Influence of Television Advertising on Consumers of Alcoholic Products in Taraba State

Influence of Television Advertising on Consumers of Alcoholic Products in Taraba State.

Table of Contents


Television advertising is one of the media of advertising alcoholic products to target consumers. The medium employs the use of frequency, repetition, attractions, captivating messages and colourful demonstration.

The major purpose of the study was to determine the influence of television advertising on consumers of alcoholic products in Taraba State. Survey research was adopted for the study.

A total of 1.920 consumers of alcoholic products were randomly sampled, stratified along senatorial zones and local government areas in Taraba State out of a population of 38,379.

A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.89 using Cronbach Alpha method of determining reliability.

Three experts validated the instrument. Five research questions and four null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study.

Frequencies, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the five research questions, while z-test statistics were employed to test the four null hypotheses.

It was found that television advertising influenced consumers of alcoholic product to a great extent.

It was recommended that advertisers of alcoholic product should improve on their advertisement for greater impact and that deceptive advertising of alcoholic products should be discouraged.


Background Of Study

Television is an electronic device or equipment with a screen glass which shows broadcasts and programmes with moving pictures and sounds.

It is used for news broadcasts, interviews, showing of films or movies, dramas, exhibitions, demonstration, and advertising.

Osuala (1998) defined advertising as any form of non-personal presentation of goods, services or ideas for action, openly paid for by an identified sponsor.

The aim of advertising is to provide public service because it gives information about products and the job of selling. Successful advertisements engage the mind of the consumer and motivate him to buy the advertised product.

Television advertising is the use of television in advertising goods, services or ideas. It seeks to influence intended target market. Influence refers to the power to affect somebody’s action and character or belief especially by providing an example to follow (Jonathan, 1995).

It means convincing others that a suggestion will benefit them. For example, television advertising on a particular type of beer seeks to influence viewers towards accepting it by giving examples of how the product is being used and the benefits thereof.

Consumers refer to ultimate users of goods, services and ideas. Cosumers can be individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal and final consumption.


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