Information Communication Technology and Business Education Students Academic Performance in Accounting in Nigeria Federal Universities

Information Communication Technology and Business Education Students Academic Performance in Accounting in Nigeria Federal Universities.

Table of Contents


This study was an assessment of “Information Communication Technology and Business Education Students Academic Performance in Accounting in Nigeria Federal Universities”. The investigation revealed that despite the enormous benefits the use of information and communication technology has brought to bear on education as a means of facilitating teaching and learning.

A vast majority of students of Business Education did not employ the use of the Information and Communication Technology to support their learning because they didn’t have the requisite skills to operate these information technology resources. Five research objectives and five research questions were raised to provide a lead to answering the problem envisaged by the investigator. The researcher used the descriptive correlational survey design for the study.

The population for the study consisted of 75 lecturers and 286 students of Business Education, giving a total of 361. The same number (361) was adopted as the sample for the study because of the small nature of the population. Descriptive statistics and correlational coefficient were used to analyze data collected for the research and to test the null hypotheses. Five null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance.

Major findings from the analysis of data collected for the studys, were as followings: findings from research question one, revealed Business Education students in Nigeria Federal Universities do not have the requisite skills and proficiency for operating Information and Communication Technology. Findings from the analysis of research question two, revealed that Business Education students spent little time on Information and Communication Technology.


Cover Page –   i

Title Page—– ii

Declaration—- iii

Certification—– iv

Dedication v

Acknowledgement          vi

Abstract—— vii

Table of Content –     viii

List of Tables——- ix

Definition of Terms—– x

List of Abbreviations          xi


  • Background for the Study—– 1
  • Statement of the Problem—————————————– 5
  • Objectives the of Study——————————————— 6
  • Research Questions————————————————- 7
  • Null Hypotheses—————————————————– 8
  • Significance of the Study—————————————— 8
  • Basic Assumptions————————————————- 10
  • Delimitation of the Study—————————————– 10


  • Conceptual framework of Information and Communication Technology—- 13
  • Limitations of Information and Communication—————- 34

Technology in Developing Countries

  • The growing impetus of Information and Communication Technology as a Transformative tool for enhancing learning In Business Education———- 44
  • Trends and Development in Information and Communication Technology in Nigeria—— 45
  • Functions of Information and Communication Technology—– 48
  • Different Perspectives of Business Education———————- 49
  • Appraisal of Student’s academic performance——————– 51
  • Impact of Information and Communication Technology

In Teaching and Learning of Accounting Education                52

  • Empirical Studies——- 58
  • Summary of Literature Review 71


  • Research Design———— 73
  • Population for the Study—————— 74
  • Sample size and Sampling technique——— 75
  • Instrument for Date Collection———- 76
    • Validity of the Instrument—– 77
    • Pilot Study——– 78
    • Reliability of the Instrument—- 79
  • Procedure for Data Collection— 79
  • Procedure for Data Analysis—– 80


  • Analysis of Data on Demographic Variable of Respondents—- 82
  • Analysis of Respondents Answers to Research Questions——- 83
  • Testing of Null Hypotheses——– 103
  • Discussion of Findings——– 109


  • Summary————- 113
  • Conclusion———— 114
  • Recommendations——– 116
  • Limitations of the Study—– 118
  • Suggestion for further Study————- 118

References——– 120

Appendixes———– 127


A cursory look at the events and activities of the 21st century would reveal that this period had witnessed the emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which is a conglomeration of telecommunication resources whose interplay results in effective information flow and management.

Fundamental to effective flow and management of information, is perhaps the ardent need for all human organizations to build ICT capabilities.

The 21st century is essentially characterized by a general stampede of nations toward an intention for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resource development, and countries are very busy grappling with the imperative of building ICT capabilities.

Magaji (2009) observed that, this vision about building ICT capabilities and the initiative taken by nations to heed the call about inculcating ICT norms, is in consonance with the call by United Nations Commission on Science and Technology (UNCST) on Information and Technology (IT) Development in 1995.


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Agbara-Akpore, S. (2000), Role of IT. October 10, The Guardian, pp. 35
Aiyepekun, W.G. (1991), Towards National Information and Information Policy. A paper presented at the Seminar on Libraries and Information Services for National Development in Lagos.
Akhere, S. E. (2002) Integrating Information Technology with Business Education in Manpower Development for the Office of the Twenty First Century: Journal of Business Education. Vol. 1 No. 1 Pp 48.

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