Management Strategies in Educational and Private Owned Performing Outfit (PDF)

Management Strategies in Educational and Private Owned Performing Outfit.


Public and private sector strategic managers operate in different contexts that generate distinctive constraints on their behaviors and choices. Key constraints on public sector managers are identified in five propositions.

Implications for the evaluation of public sector management and for the behavior of public managers are drawn. It is argued that application of private sector models to the public sector is problematic; that general models of strategic management are needed.


1.1       Background of the Study

Theatre has become more popular as the year goes by. To most people, theatre is often known as a building designed for the performance of plays, dances, premiering of movies, music etc.

Although the word theatre and drama are often used interchangeably, but theatre is not inherent in drama only, rather it encompassed the words and action of man’s everyday activities.

In general, the term theatre connotes both action, experience and a building. Theatre is defined as an experience involving the viewer and the performance being viewed.

The definition explains Edwin Wilson’s postulation that, the means by which art present its material is often referred to as the medium for theatre, the medium is a story enacted by stage playing characters.

The essence of theatre experience is explained in this postulation, and it is seen that the theatre combines other arts forms thus seen as a melting pot of all arts forms.

Osawue Stevenson asserts that, theatre is often said to be as old as mankind and all theatrical actions evolve out of man’s daily activities which are influence by long standing cultural traditions and attitudes.

The fact evident in Osawue’s assertion explains a very vital issue of the theatre origin; every theatre is a manifestation of the predominant culture. Since it is a popular view that any nation can be reflected in its arts especially theatre and the repetitive pattern of sustaining this theatrical arts becomes a culture.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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