Perception of Northern Women in Yola Metropolis on the Use of Sex Appeal in Advertising

 – Perception of Northern Women in Yola Metropolis on the Use of Sex Appeal in Advertising – 

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This study examines the perception of northern women on the use of sex appeal advertisements in Yola, the basis that underlined the northern women’s perception on the use of these advertisements and also investigates whether sex appeal ads influence the decision of buyers when purchasing any product.

The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative method to gather data.

Survey research design and questionnaires were shared to collect data. The findings reveal that there are negative perceptions of the use of sex appeal ads in the Yola community.

It also reveals that women are commonly displayed in these ads than men. Additionally, it was also discovered that sex appeal ads barely influence them into buying a product.

The use of sex appeal in not accepted due to the norms and beliefs of people in this community. 


Advertising is defined as a form of influencing or changing the consumer’s perception towards a particular product or service (Courtney, Perres 2016). It is also a form of creating awareness about a brand or product (Michal, 2001). In today’s world advertisers bombard prospective customers with all kinds and forms of adverts, from the moment they wake up until the very time they fall asleep.

In the work effective advertising, Tellis quotes Gerrard as he (Gerrard) claims that an average varying between 100 to 1000 advertisements is what unsuspecting customers come across on a daily basis (Tellis, 2004). These ads appear in almost every facet of our daily lives and the use of modern technology makes them more attached to our lives. Because of the very nature of advertisement, “which is to influence and change customers perspective” (Dright) toward making a favorable decision on a product or services.

Competition has heightened between advertising agencies and even so making strategy, key in wining this battle among equal. Therefore, advertising has become an important element by sparking competition among firms. Making these firms to continuously employ different approach/appeals in advertising, influences the buyers’ decision on a product or service.  

However the use of sex appeal in advertising is very common these days and it is one of the most effective forms of advertising. It has a way of drawing one’s attention in seconds. Women are often used to advertise certain products like cosmetics, perfumes, underwear and so on. For example, “Fragrance products use sex appeal to convey romance to women by indicating the use of the product will help her find the man of her dreams” (Wimbush, 2018).  


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