Political Leadership Crises in All Progressives Grand Alliance and Peoples Democratic Party and Its Implications for Political Party Development In Nigeria

Political Leadership Crises in All Progressives Grand Alliance and Peoples Democratic Party and Its Implications for Political Party Development In Nigeria

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In modern societies, the application of the concept of internal democracy in the conduct of the affairs of political parties, particularly with regards to primary elections, is inviolable and, therefore, sacrosanct.

The concept of internal democracy operates on the premise of due process, fair play, equity and good conscience in the discharge of duties and obligations to organizations, groups or the society at large.

Within the fold of most political parties in Nigeria, however, internal democracy as a concept seems to be honored more in the breach as primordial considerations such as avarice, greed, nepotism and outright inordinate ambition, have continued to be elevated over and above the wishes of the people.

This, no doubt, explains the endless cases of cross-carpeting by party members who, aggrieved by obvious injustice meted out to them by some powerful persons, have no option than to seek their political fortunes elsewhere.

It is apparent that some decampees may not be anything more than political flirts, the belief is that a majority of cross-carpeting is rooted firmly in reaction to the circumvention of rules and other acts prejudicial and, indeed, inimical to the enthronement and sustenance of internal democracy.

Cases abound of questionable substitution, disqualification and reversal of nomination of previously screened and cleared candidates by an interplay of party intrigues, power display, culture of impunity and disregard for fair play and internal democracy.


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