Problems of Human Resources Management in Public Enterprises

 Problems of Human Resources Management in Public Enterprises.


Human resources management deals with the maximum use of the people working together to achieve a specific purpose for the benefit of the society.

It involves all the activities that are performed from the identification of human resources needed in organizations for employment, to fully involve persons and planning for their retirement.

It is the duty of the human resources management to plan for the compensation package of the employees to make them remain in the organization and put in their best efforts towards the realization of the goals of the organization. This is done in form of basic compensation, variable compensation and fringe benefits.

In the light of the above background, this study looks into the Enugu State Broadcasting Corporation (ESBS) which is a state owned. Organization with the view to finding some problems that affect the management of human resources vis-à-vis the performance of the organizations.

How are employment and recruitment done in these organizations? Are adequate training and development programmes given to the staff of these organizations?

How does the performance of the staff affect the achievement of the organization? Are there adequate motivational and compensational packages for the staff of these organizations?

Are there internal and external factors meddling with employment in these organizations? Summary of findings were made from the responses of staff of the two organizations and possible recommendations drawn from the analysis.


Title page – – – – – i

Certification – – – – – ii

Dedication – – – – – iii

Acknowledgement – – – – – iv

Abstract – – – – – v

Table of Contents – – – – – vi


1.1 Background of the Study – – – – – 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem – – – – – 3

1.3 Objectives of the Study – – – – – 4

1.4 Significance of the Study – – – – – 4

1.5 Research Questions – – – – – 5

1.6 The Scope of the Study – – – – – 5

1.7 Limitation of the Study – – – – – 6



2.1 Historical Evolution of the Human Resources Management in Nigeria – – – – – 11

2.2 Aspects of the Human Resources Management – – – 13

2.2.1 Manpower Planning – – – – 14

2.2.2 Manpower utilization – – – – 14

2.3 Recruitment, Selection and Placement – – – – 15

3.3.1. Training and Development – – – – – 15

2.4 Major Problems Affecting Human Resources

Management in Public Enterprises – – – – – 15

2.5 Review of Related Literature to the Study – – – – 19

2.6 Summary of Literature Review – – – – – 21

References 8


3.1 Introduction – – – – – 25

3.1.1 Population – – – – – 25

3.1.2 Sample Size – – – – – 25

3.2 Sampling Method – – – – – 26

3.2.1 Sources of Data – – – – – 26

3.2.3 Primary Data – – – – – 26

3.2.4 Secondary Data – – – – – 26

3.3 Oral/Human Resources Interview – – – – – 26

3.3.1 Questionnaire Design – – – – – 27

3.3.2 Method of Investigation – – – – – 27

3.4 Historical Research Method – – – – – – 27

3.5 Descriptive Research Method – – – – – 28

3.5.1 Description of Respondent – – – – – 28

3.5.2 Statistical Presentation – – – – 28

3.5.3 Analytical Presentation – – – – – 28



4.1 Introduction – – – – – 30

4.2 Presentation of Data – – – – – 30



5.1 Introduction – – – – – 35

5.2 Summary of Findings – – – – – 35

5.2 Conclusion – – – – – 36

5.3 Recommendations – – – – – 37





1.1 Background of the Study

Human resources management is based on the main goals of an organization. Every aspect of an organization of its human resource of all tasks of management, managing the human component is the central and most important task, because all else depends on how well this is done.

The challenges of Human resources management are lack of qualified manpower technological, management, sociological and economic problems. These problems can be rectified by effectively planning training and motivating the manpower, encouraging self reliance among graduates.

To face these challenges, organizations should recognize the fact that human resources are inevitable. This is because of their role as the prime movers of all productive activities.

Donnelly et al (1992), Human resource management is the process of accomplishing organizational objectives by acquiring retaining terminating, developing and properly using the human resource in an organization.

Onwuchekwe (1995), business organizations require human resources from time to time as a result of changes in the present work force within the organization, technology, the environment and the present strategy of the organization.

Human resources management entails working with and through people to accomplish the tasks of forecasting, planning, organizing, controlling and coordination, planning, organizing, controlling and co-ordinating with effect leadership traits, recognized and established that the human resources is the most important of all the factors of production.


Adeyemo, A. (1980), Manpower Planning Process, Framework of Analysis; Perman vol. 7 No. 2 April-June, pp. 14-15.

Allison, A. A. (1988), Effective Leadership, Proceedings of the Ministerial Workshop on the Nigeria Civil Services Reforms; Administrative staff college of Nigeria Topo, Badagry, pp. 148-152.

Broadcasting in Eastern Nigeria (1980) printed by Cecsta Nigeria Limited Enugu. Cuming M. W. (1980) The Theory and practice of personnel management 4th Edition, London: William Hemennann. Dallas, Houghton Miffin Company Boston, pp.49.

Ejiofor, P. N. o; (1989) Managing the Nigerian Workers Enugu, Fourth Dimension Publishing Company.

Heelo, (1984) Networks and the Executives Establishment Public Administration- Concepts and Cases.

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