Production of Surface Shine (Polish).

Production of Surface Shine (Polish).


This is aimed at producing a good surface (polish) of long-lasting . For , polish is a substance rubbed on the surface of materials to make them smooth and shiny.

Polish has been of immense importance in protecting leather cum wooden surfaces and enhancing their beauty.

To produce a stander polish, hard waxes such as carnauba wax, candelilla wax, and palm wax; semi-hard waxes which include; paraffin wax and ozokerite; solvents like turpentine and naphtha; dyes and dryers are also essential in this research project, paraffin wax, turpentine, paraffin oil, cobalt and lead dryers, vanish, black and brown pigments were used to obtain the desire results.

The apparatus used was; measuring cylinder 100ml(Finland), digital weighing balance (metler AE-200) , beaker 500ml (finlab), magnetic stirrer, burner.

Using the measured quantities of the ingredients, the production started with heating to about 90.c to melt the wax and cooling to about 60.c.

This was preceded by the addition of the solvent, the colorant, drier, and vanish. As this was being done, there was continuous agitation. After obtaining a homogenous mixture, the produce was filled into 50ml cans and allowed to cool.

The best formulation was obtained from 45.2%, 24%, 21%, 2%, 2%, 2%, of turpentine, paraffin wax, paraffin oil, drier, vanish and colorants respectively. The major problem encountered was that of coverage and gloss or surface shine produced by the trial formulation.

They were blamed on the particle size of the pigments and the absence of some other ingredients like hard waxes to blend the paraffin wax; and naphtha which despite all effort made. Happily, these were reasonably improved by using finer pigments particles and vanish respectively.


Background of  Study

The emergence of polish technology is an apparent offshoot of complexities resulting from the induction of substances that produce desired gloss and provides a protective coating for the surface of the materials, changing it to a dry adherent film.

Therefore, polish is a substance usually wax base which when applied to sequence protects, makes it smooth and shiny. (De Busy, 1972)

It has been discovered that shoe polish industries in Nigeria are at a minimum even though the polish industry is economically very important due to its widespread usage.

The shoe polish industry as a surface coating provider is a very important venture.  The manufacture of surface coating materials of which shoe polish is a part has been estimated with swales of more than 10,000 million yearly.

This in essence means that its usage is widespread and in teams of employment, gives a lot of opportunities.  The economic consequences as highlighted above have in turn spurred many into a continuous struggle for a good quality product.


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Www.Dowcorning.Com/;content/;house hold shoes, 12-05-2017
Www.Hyerc.Org/shoes polish.Html, 12-05-2017

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