School Environmental Variables and Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools

School Environmental Variables and Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools


The study was designed to assess the relationship between school environmental variables and students’
academic performance in Agricultural Science. The study adopted a correlational survey design. A sample size of 300 students were randomly selected and used for the study.

To guide the study, two specific objectives and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Agricultural Academic Performance Test (AAPT) and Agricultural practical check-list were developed and used to gather data for the study.

The instruments were validated by three research experts and the reliability coefficients of 0.82 and 0.78 were obtained using PPMC. Data were analysed and null hypotheses tested using PPMC. The findings indicated that there was significant relationship between availability of laboratory facilities and students’ performance in Agricultural Science.

There was also significant relationship between availability of farming facilities and academic performance of students. It was recommended that secondary schools should create more conducive environments that facilitate students’ acquisition and development of cognitive, psychomotor and effective skills in their academic endeavour.


Education is essential to every society and individual. It is life itself but not a preparation for life (Annan, 2010). This is because living is a quality that distinguishes man from the non-living things. The living human have qualities that can be developed for the improvement of the country (Annan, 2010). It is education that can equip an individual for societal and national development.

Suffice it to say that education is the only instrument that helps an individual to realize his highest self and goals. Therefore, countries need to develop unborn potentials, modifying behaviour to teaching and learning processes, this will help an individual to earn his/her inch good and some adjustment in life (Akpan, 2010).

Unlike traditional, the regular education takes place in an environment called school (Taiwo, 2007). These schools can be established by either private individuals or government and according to Bager (2008). Environment has direct effect on students’ academic performance.

Environment as defined by Bello (2009) is the aggregate of all the external conditions and influences that affects the life and development of an individual. Environmental psychologist John Hatson believed that given appropriate environment a child could be made into anything.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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