Service the Impact of Mother Tongue on Children’s Learning at the Lower Level of Primary Education

– Service the Impact of Mother Tongue on Children’s Learning at the Lower Level of Primary Education –

Table of Contents


This research project was conducted to investigate the impact of mother tongue on children learning at the lower level of education using some selected primary schools in Sokoto metropolis as a case study.

The was conducted with a view to finding a solution to the problem of mass failure of our primary school children which may perhaps be connected with teacher’s Refusal to make use of the language of the immediate for instructional delivery at the lower classes of primary schools, as prescribed in the National Policy on Education (NPE).

Based on the information provided in the previous chapters of this research, it is clear that the mother tongue as a medium of instruction in our schools should not be overemphasized.

as a medium of instruction should continue to be given support by government, institutions both private and public, individuals, and even by our teachers not only at the primary school level but up to the tertiary institutions.


Background of Study
Mother tongue as the first language of instruction in schools is an essential tool in whatever field we may find ourselves, without it any meaningful form of intellectual pursuit will be hindered.

As we all know that most children who begin their education in their mother tongues make a better start as they demonstrate increased self-confidence, and continue to perform better than those who start school in a new language (English). (Cummins,2000)

The outlook of education is brighter when the school builds on the foundation of mother tongue in teaching a second language.

It is therefore important that one understand the functions of mother tongue, particularly pupil’s learning through it as a medium of instruction in school. This has been given tremendous support by both authorities and the general public. (Baker, 2000)

This support, however, rests on the general belief that the mastery of the mother tongue assists in the understanding of other subjects like Art, and Primary Science, etc.

Numerous studies in all parts of the world show that the effective use of mother tongue tends to the better knowledge of a second or foreign language when it is acquired in a comparatively short time. (Skutnabh, 2000)

It is commonly known that children who lack the knowledge of their mother tongue, that is children who only know how to speak the English language as their first language without the knowledge of the language of their immediate environment, usually perform lower in academic work.


Baker C. (2000). A Parent’s and Teacher’s Guide to Bilingualism. 2nd Edition Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.
Bennett .N. etal (1974). The Open University Press, Walton Hall Milton Keynes; London.
Cummins J. (2000). Language, Power and Pedagogy. Bilingual Children in the Crossfire. Clevedon England: Multilingual Matters.
Leeper S.H (1979). Good Schools for Young Children. Collier Macmillan, London. Leeper S.H (1979). Good Schools for Young Children. Collier Macmillan, London.
Margaret G. (1968). Schools Methods with Younger Children: Evans BrothersLimited; Great Britain.

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