Socio-economic Factors and Political Factors Affecting Students’ Performance

 – Socio-economic Factors and Political Factors Affecting Students’ Performance –

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Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents vi

1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 5
1.3 Objectives of the Study 6
1.4 Research Questions 7
1.5 Significance of the Study 8
1.6 Definition of Key Terms 9
1.7 Scope and Delimitation of the Study 11

2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Socio-Economic Factors 12
2.3 Implication of Socio-Economic Factors 23
2.4 Academic Performance 25
2.5 Concept of Political Factor 28
2.5 Political Issues Made by Government in Post Primary
Education 33
2.6 Advantages of Politics on Post Primary Education 36
2.7 Environmental Factors 37
2.8 Educational Attainment 42

3.1 Introduction 45
3.2 Research Design 45
3.3 Population of the Study 46
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques 47
3.4 Research Instrument 49
3.5 Validity of the Research Instrument 49
3.6 Method of Data Collection and Analysis 50
3.7 Method of Data Analysis 51

4.0 Introduction 52
4.1 Data Analysis and Interpretation 53
4.2 Summary of Major Findings 64

5.0 Introduction 67
5.1 Summary of the Findings 67
5.2 Recommendations 70
5.3 Conclusion 72



Education provides children with the knowledge and skills necessary to advance themselves and their nation economically. To this effect, there are some socio-economic factors and political factors that often affect the level of performance of children who undergo the educational system more especially in Nigeria setting. However, social is a concept that relate to human society and its mode of organization or rank and status in society, or interacting with other people and living communities.

In other words, social is the cultural behaviour of any given society in which they belong. Moreover, socio-economic factors such as family income level, parents’ level of education, all influence the equality and availability of education as well as the ability of education to improve children life. In connection to aforementioned facts, Remi (1993) observed that at the family level, a parent sends their children to school according to their level of influence or property.

Hence, in Nigeria, wealthy parents send their children to private schools while poor parents send their children to schools while poor parents send their children to schools which may provide less effective learning facilities. Similarly, a clear illustration of Reni’s fact can be seen from the fact that in most Nigerian societies, especially in Gusau metropolis, there are some primary and secondary schools that are meant for only children of a particular class.

In other words, there are schools that can only be afforded by the children of the rich and there are school children of the poor cannot afford. Similarly, Orhungar (1990) asserts that the cultural background of the 3 family is determined to a large extent by its socio-economic background, as the child grows up, moves out to the interest of wider society, his interaction with it and perception of it are largely determined from his/her earlier experiences at home. 


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