Strategies for Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practical in Skill Acquisition by Carpentry and Joinery Students in Benue State Technical Colleges


The study was carried out to determine that can be used to bridge the gap between and practice in skill acquisition by Carpentry and Joinery students in Benue State Technical Colleges.

The population of the study was 70, this comprised 9 principals, 24 and Joinery teachers, 32 industrial supervisors and 3 staffs of Industrial Fund Makurdi. Six research questions and six were generated and served as guide to the study.

A structured questionnaire consisted of 149 items statement generated on skills, instructional strategies, tools/equipment, consumable and facilities, Carpentry and Joinery production units in schools,

motivation and organization of Students Industrial Work Experiences Scheme/apprenticeship training programme required to bridge the gap between theory and practice in skill acquisition.

Mean and standard deviation were applied to answer the research questions while analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the hypotheses of no significance difference at 0.05 level of significance.

The result indicated that total of 144 items were required to reposition Technical College in the state to be able to bridge the gap between theory and practice in skill acquisition in Carpentry and Joinery.

However, five items were rejected on the ground of non relevance to the bridging of gap between theory and practice in skill acquisition.

Based on the findings, implications of the study were highlighted. Subsequently, conclusion, recommendation and suggestions for further studies were made.


Title Page ——– ii
Approval page———iii
Table of Contents————vi
List of Table ——— x
Abstract ————xii


Background of the Study —— 1
Statement of the Problem —— 6
Purpose of the Study —– 8
Significance of the Study —- 9
Research Questions —– 11
Hypothesis ——- 12
Delimitation —— 13


Conceptual Framework ——————- 14
Technical Colleges in Nigeria and Benue State —- 15
Carpentry and Joinery as a Programme in Technical Colleges — 19
Skill Acquisition in Technical Colleges ——— 22
Strategies for Bridging the Gap between theory and Practice in Skill Acquisition in technical Colleges  22
Skills Required by Technical Teachers as Strategy for Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice in Skill Acquisition——- 24
Instructional Strategies Required by Technical Teachers as Strategies for Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice —- 25
Provision of Appropriate Tools/Equipment, Facilities and Consumables as Strategies for Bridging the Gap Between
Theory and Practice -7
Motivation of Technical Teachers and Industrial Supervisors as Strategy for Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice in Skill Acquisition ——– 31
Production Unit as a Strategy for Bridge the Gap Between Theory and Practice —-33
Re-Organization of Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)/Students Apprenticeship Training Scheme as Strategies ————— 35
Theoretical Framework —— 37
Systems Theory — 37
Skill Theory ——- 42
Review of Related Empirical Studies — 44
Summary of Review of Related Literature —— 50


Design of the Study —53
Area of the Study —-53
Population for the Study ——-54
Instrument for Data Collection ——-54
Validation of the Instrument ——–55
Reliability of the Instrument ——–55
Method of Data Collection ——56
Method of Data Analysis —–56


Research Question I – ——-57
Research Question II —-58
Research Question III —-60
Research Question IV –61
Research Question V – – —64
Research Question VI – —–66
Hypothesis 1 ———67
Hypothesis 2 —-68
Hypothesis 3 ——-69
Hypothesis 4 ——70
Hypothesis 5 ——-71
Hypothesis 6 —72
Findings of the Study——72
Discussion of Findings -84


Re-statement of the Problem ——————–91
Specific Purpose of the Study —————–93
Summary of the Procedure used ————93
Major Findings ————————-94
Implications of the Study ————-96
Conclusion ——————————-97
Recommendations ————97
Suggestion for Further Studies ————–98
References —————108


1.1 Background of the Study

Skill acquisition is one sure step towards gaining employment. Technical Colleges are the principal vocational institutions designed to prepare students in various occupational areas for employment (Okoro, 2006).

Technical Colleges are therefore that branch of technical education at the post primary schools level.

It major objective is to produce craftsmen and technician in various occupations Federal Ministry of Education (FME), 2004). If this objective is to be met, then practical training must be given enough attention in Technical College programmes.

To buttress this, Olaitan (2008) stressed that the teaching of Technical Education at Technical College level should mostly focus on practical knowledge as to enable the students acquire marketable skills.

Technical College education by nature is therefore, an education for self-reliant. Carpentry and Joinery is one of the courses offered in Technical Colleges in Nigeria and Benue State inclusive.

Carpentry and Joinery is described as that as
pect of building construction trade that deals with the erection of permanent and temporal wooden structures and other related works National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB), 2004).


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