Strategies for Enhancing Electronic Collection Development in Selected University Libraries in South East Nigeria

Strategies for Enhancing Electronic Collection Development in Selected University Libraries in South East Nigeria.

Table of Contents


This study investigated the strategies for enhancing Electronic Collection Development (ECD) in selected university libraries in Southeast Nigeria. Seven research questions were raised to guide the study. The study design was descriptive survey. The study population comprised of all professional librarians and paraprofessionals in the three studied university libraries.

The total population size of the professionals and paraprofessionals in the three university libraries stood at two hundred and eight (208). The instruments used for data collection were questionnaire, observation check list and interview schedule. Data collected for the study were analyzed based on each research question, using frequency count, percentage, and mean.

The result of the study revealed that the professional and paraprofessional respondents from the three studied university libraries identified various methods that their respective libraries have been able to put in place for effective ECD including use of Internet, World Wide Web (WWW), provision of good Internet facilities etc.

Among the appropriate methods that will help in facilitating ECD in Nigerian university libraries as identified by the professional and paraprofessional respondents (library staff) from the three studied university libraries include provision of good Internet facilities, World Wide Web (WWW), use of Internet and subscribing to electronic resources. 


Background of the Study University libraries are libraries that are owned and funded by universities to take care of the information needs of the university community. These libraries strive to provide quality services to support education, learning, and research needs of different levels of the academic community. University library is considered to be an organ around which all academic activities revolve (Kavitha, 2009).

University libraries are positioning themselves to be the learning and research centres of universities. They are sometimes known as the “learning building” and are constantly asked to examine what value they add to student learning outcome (Chaudhry, 2002). University libraries provide quality information service and knowledge products (print and electronic) to resident community of scholars.

Important activities of university libraries include the following: Collection Development, Reference Service, Circulation, Document Delivery, User Education, and Access to Electronic Resources etc. Obviously, university libraries are expected to provide cost effective and reliable access to information, using the state-of-the art information technology tools. The objectives of a university library include:

  • Conservation of knowledge amassed from times immemorial.
  • Dissemination of such knowledge through teaching and publication.
  • Extension of the bounds of knowledge through research work by teachers and other research workers.
  • Helping the teachers and the students to achieve the highest academic honours and a lifetime of good reading.

A university library is no longer a part of an ivory tower; it is a potential service oriented institution, accountable for every aspect of its performances (Ameen and Haider, 2007). The fundamental role of the university library is education. University libraries should not be operated as mere storehouse of books attached to reading room, but as
dynamic instruments of education.


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