Terrorism and Political Stability in Africa

 – Terrorism and Political Stability in Africa –

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The ’ is not peculiar to western countries alone, its tentacles are spreading fast like wild fire ready to consume any object or person in its way.

Terrorism is an illegitimate means of by the (Lodge 1988:5).

Also, Madunagu (2001:51) maintains that terrorism is the use of violence to achieve political objectives. The bottom line of the above definition is that .

Since September 11, 2001 multiple attacks on the Twin Tower of the World Trade Centre and Pentagon in the United States of America, terrorism has become a household discussion in the world.

Over the years, terrorism has rocked almost every continent in the world. In fact it has grown to become a global trend. Africa which is one of continents in the world, is not spared from this issue of terrorism.

The issue of terrorism in Africa is now most closely associated with Al-Shabab in Somalia, Al-Qaeda in the islamic Maghreb in Sahel region ( including Algeria, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger), , and to a lesser extent the Lord’s Resistance Army in Central Africa (Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan ).

The transition from over three decades of military rule into a democratic rule in Nigeria was borne out of hardship both politically and economically.


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