The Effect of Business Environment on the Productivity of Business Organizations

 – The Effect of Business Environment on the Productivity of Business Organizations – 

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This project research was conducted to find out the effect of business environment on the productivity of business organization (the case study of selected Sachet Water Companies using Mr. Ben Owerri Imo State.

Two types of data were used in conducting these studies.  They are secondary and primary data.  Secondary data were collected mainly from textbooks, journals and reports found in the libraries.  Primary data of the study were generally meeting the objectives of the study.

And the following are found that management of the organization should be strengthening its resources and capability to meet the requirement of changing environment in order to meet the goals and objectives of the organization.

The major reason the researcher discovered that control and management of business environment thus choosing appropriate technology, organization structure design of organization domain would enhance efficiency productivity and total output in business organization.


Title Page            i

Approval Page         ii

Dedication           iii

Acknowledgement             iv

Abstract                v

Table of Contents     vi


1.0          Introduction   1

  • Background of Study 1
  • Statement of Problems 5
  • Objective of the Study 5
  • Research Question                 6
  • Significance of Study 6
  • Scope of Study                 7
  • Limitation of the Study 8
  • Definition of Terms                 8


2.0          Literature Review          10

  • Introduction                 10
  • Nature of Business Organization 12
    • Elements of Business Organization 15
  • Management of Business Organization 18
  • Analysis of Business Environment.                 31
  • Strategies for the Management of Environment

Inter-Dependences     36


3.0          Research Methodology     43

  • Introduction                 43
  • Sources of Data                              43
  • Methods of Data Collection 44
  • Population of Study & Sample Size Determination               45
  • Sampling Techniques/Procedure 47
  • Validity and Reliability of Measuring Instrument 47
  • Method of Data/Statistical Analysis 48


4.0          Presentation and Analysis of Data        50

  • Introduction 50
  • Dividing Into Appropriate 51


5.0          Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

  • Introduction 58
  • Summary of Findings               58
  • Conclusion 60
  • Recommendations 60

References               62



Business organization is a formal system of coordinating activities of a group of people working cooperatively towards a common goal, under authority and leadership.

The concept of formality means that they came into existence in our society Nigeria at a point in time with a view of accomplishing formal goals.

These formal goals are basis for their legitimacy to exist in our society since these goals have aspects of functional relevance for the societal development and national growth.

Obviously, no business venture is done in isolation of the prospective investor and customer.  A business outfit that does not command patronages is not fit to exist.

This is why it is pertinent to state that all business must cooperate with the environment to avoid business blunders.  These are certain key elements or factors that are often considered in the overall or total business environment.


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Nnadozie and Nwana L. (1993).  Introduction to Business.  A Contemporary Approach. First Edition. Buset Printing and Allies Production Ltd.  Nkpor Anambra State.

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Onwuchekwa, C. I. (1993).  Management Theory and Organizational Analysis.  Goshen Publishers Awka.

Shell Petroleum Development Company Nigeria Ltd. (2007 and 2002).  Business and Environment Annual Report

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