The Effect of Employee Participation in Management Decision Making

 -The Effect of Employee Participation in Management Decision Making –

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This research work is conceived with the effect of employee participation in management decision making in Federal Poly Oko Anambra State. The study involved a survey in which a total of two hundred employee were used as subjects, fur (4) research question were as tested.

Questionnaire was used to elicit information from employees in Federal Poly Oko. The data collected were analyzed using mean scores. The effect of employee participation in management decision making in Federal Poly Oko.

The researcher found out that sometime decision made by Junior staff of the institution will not be used and most of the staff have known time to go for meetings finding of the respondents in table 3 shows more respondents with higher measures in table 3 shows more respondents with higher measure in the respond.

We found that employees in Federal Poly Oko have a higher involvement in decision making. Based on the findings of the study it could be conclude that workers in the study institution are much more involved in the management decision making.


Title—-      i

Approval———     ii

Dedication–        iii

Acknowledgement———–    iv

Table of content—–     v

Abstract ——       vii


1.1          Background of the study————————————  1

1.2          Statement of the problem———————————-  4

1.3          Purpose of the study—————————————– 6

1.4          Significance of the study————————————   6

1.5          Research question——————————————– 7

1.6   Hypothesis (Optional)—————————————          7

1.7   Scope/Delimitation of the study————————–           8

1.8   Definition of terms ——————————————-        9


2.1   Conceptual Framework———–    10

2.2  Theoretical Framework–     19

2.3 Empirical Review——     20


3.1  Design of the Study———————————————     22

3.2  Area of the Study——————————————–                 23

3.3 Population of the Study————————————-           23

3.4  Sample/sampling Technique of the study—————              24

3.5  Instrument for Data Collection—————————–             24

3.6  Validation of Instrument———————————–               25

3.7  Distribution and Retrieval of Instrument—————-       25

3.8          Method of Data Analysis———————————–      26

CHAPTER 4 Presentation of Data and Analysis


5.1 Summary of the Findings–      34

5.2 Conclusion—-      36

5.3 Recommendation——           36

5.4 Limitations of the study——–      37

5.5 Suggestion for further Research—    37

References——-     39

Appendix A—–         41

Questionnaires———  42


Over the years, the practice of organizational management demanded that employer/management could expect that workers will do the work that is set before them. While this was a perfectly typical method of getting results through others in the early days of assembly line and scientific management.

It is no longer true of today’s business; the trend has changed in that management expects more from its workers than doing simply what is put before them. It has also changed in that work expects that more can be got from them by simply working according to the direction of the boss.

However, with the rise of such theories as “participation management” and with increasing recognition those employees often have something valuable to contribute (beyond the accepted units of their normal job duties (Adewumi F. 2005).

Many companies are now actively seeking ways of getting employees to participate more in decision affecting them; the workers on the other hand expects to be asked how he feels about his job, and what his ideas are on how the work can be done more easily, better and faster.


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