The Effect of Job Rotation on Employees Performance

 – The Effect of Job Rotation on Employees Performance – 

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This project tests three possible explanations for why firms adopt job rotation: employee learning (rotation makes employees more versatile), employer learning (through rotation, employers learn more about individual workers’ strengths), and employee motivation (rotation mitigates boredom).

Whereas previous studies have examined either establishment characteristics or a single firm’s personnel records, this study merges information from a detailed survey of Danish private sector firms with linked employer-employee panel data.

Allowing firm characteristics, work force characteristics, and firms’ human resource management practices to be included as explanatory variables. The results reject the employee motivation hypothesis, but support the employee learning and, especially, the employer learning hypotheses.

Firms allocating more resources to training were more likely to rotate workers; rotation schemes were more common in less hierarchical firms and in firms with shorter average employee tenure; and both firm growth rates and firms’ use of nation-wide recruitment were positively associated with rotation schemes.


Over the years reward and compensation have been a bone of contention both in the private and public organization on employees. This has generated a lot of argument, discussion and interest to an extent that it has became a highly sensitive topic.

It is very obvious that employees can only put in their best at work when such employee is provided with a conducive working atmosphere conditions and job rotational activities which serve as stimulus to stir them (employees) to achieve organization set target goals and objective efficiently and effectively.

The essence of effect of job rotation is to provide a good platform for equity and fairness. They provide a challenging environment and increase employee and employee performance. Extrinsic needs of workers at all levels are the effect of job rotation which ensures that both the intrinsic are adequately provided for.

This is because it develops organizations integrated policy, procedure and practice. Thus, it is an important signal of organization culture and valve so it’s important to the successful recruitment.


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