The Effect of Marketing Research in Product Planning Process

 – The Effect of Marketing Research in Product Planning Process –


This project work is designed to enlighten firms who have not yet understood this very well and those who are still ignorant of this fact that marketing research is inevitable in product planning process, if a firm will succeed, survive and grow in this competitive environment and in this era of marketing concept.

This entire project is logically arranged in five chapters one contains the introduction of the company, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research question, research hypothesis, significance of the study and definition of terms.

Chapter two contains the literature review of selected authors and researchers works, chapter three contains the research methodology, which are the research design, the sources of data, population of study, sampling technique, instrument or method of data analysis and tools used for hypothesis testing.

Chapter four contains the presentation and analysis of data collection the discussion of finding and test of hypothesis. Then the chapter five has the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations, the bibliography and appendix.

This work will be beneficial not only to firms in manufacturing industries but also to possible entrepreneurs and lecturers in the higher institution of learning for lecturing students.        


Title page                                                              i

Approval page                                                     ii

Dedication                                                           iii

Acknowledgement                                              iv

Abstract                                                                 v

Table of contents                                                 vi


1.1  background of the study                                          1

1.2  Statement of the problems                                     7

1.3  Objective of the study                                              8

1.4  Research question                                                   10

1.5  Statement of hypothesis                                         11

1.6  Significance of the study                                        12

1.7  The scope and Limitation of the study                13

1.8  Definition of terms                                                 16


2.1  Introduction                                                                18

2.2  What is product                                                          18

2.3  Major level of product (concept of product)        20

2.4  Classification of product                                           21

2.5  Meaning of product process                                     22

2.6  Why planning product planning process               23

2.7  The scope of product planning process                 24

2.8  Product policy guide to product planning Process     24

  • Marketing research in product planning Process    28
  • The effect of marketing research in product planning process in relation to product innovation development    32

References                                               42


Research methodology                                  43

3.0  Introduction                                             43

3.1  Research design                                        43

3.2  Method of data collection                      43

3.3  Population of the study                           45

3.4  Sampling techniques or method           45

3.5  Determination of sample size                 46

3.6  Method of questionnaire distribution   47

3.7  Validity and reliability                               47

3.8  Method of data analysis                            48


  • Presentation and analysis of data          51

4.1  Introduction                                                   51

4.2  Presentation of data                                      51

4.3  Analysis of data                                              52

4.4  Test of hypothesis                                         65

4.5  Discussion of findings                                  71


  • Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 73

5.1  Introduction                                                                73

5.2  Summary of findings                                                 73

5.3  Conclusion                                                                  75

5.4  Recommendations                                                    76

Bibliography                                                                79

Appendix                                                                     80

Questionnaires                                                           81-84



These are of marketing orientation or concept has firms to look at customers needs in designing their offer product by market concept, we means that marketing philosophy which holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consist of being more effective and efficient than competitor in integrating marketing activities towards determining and satisfying needs and wants of markets.

This is in contrast with product concept which holds that consumers will value those products that offer the most quality, performance or innovative features. The emphasis is on superior product quality and improvement overtime.

Because the consumers have become the central focus in the marketing concept, it becomes pertinent that firms should produce in the embark on marketing research in the tenet of product planning to offer the consumers.

Thus, marketing research is inevitable in product planning process and its effect is highly a positive one, because it is by the use of marketing research a firm knows the each needs of market it intends serve and characteristics of the target consumers.

Marketing research is one of the tools used by firm or marketers in improving the quantity and qualify of decision making and been understanding of the market place of dynamic environment. A marketing research model studies who my customers are, where they are what they want and how to get them with what effects.

A marketing that builds a product, creates a service and then sits back and wait for thing to be happen and usually discovers that not much happen.


Awa, H. Okorie (2003): Modern Marketing Theory: An Integrated Approach Management Decision

Anozie, Emma E. (2003): Strategic Marketing Management, Owerri Springfield Publishers Ltd.

Ezema, Silva K. (1998): Strategic Marketing Management Port Harcourt, University of Port Harcourt Press.

Ezirim, Aloy C et al (2004): Research Methodology for management and Social Science, Owerri Jeso     International

Oktler P and Armstrong (2001): Principles of Marketing, Planning Execution ad Control, Nineth Edition India    Prentice Hall.

Nebo Okwudili G. (2004): Marketing Contemporary and Comprehensive Approach, Owerri Roik Business   Concerns.

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