The Effect of Study and Time Management Skills of Ugiv Hausa Education Students of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

– The Effect of Study and Time Management Skills of Ugiv Hausa Education Students of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto –


The research study investigated and identified the effects of study and time management skills of UG IV Hausa Education Students of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto.

self-developed questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection. It was found that lack of proper time management is one of the problems affecting their study.

It was suggested that at the start of a semester, students should get an overview of the weeks ahead by noting down lectures, presentations, exams, assignments, and due dates as well as their other commitments outside the University.

By doing this, they can see where there is peak pressure on their time and enable them to plan what needs to be done and when. 


Hausa is the largest and dominant language in northern Nigeria. Education is the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college.

The educational journey from pre-school to high school can be quite challenging. In pre-school and elementary school, students often receive individualized instruction from teachers during the learning process.

In addition, pupils may spend several periods each day with the same teacher and classmates.

However, in middle school, students are likely to become mobile as they move from class to class to take courses from teachers in specialized areas.

High school offers even more challenges. Students are actively engaged in determining which courses they take. Their courses are taught by different teachers and the students in their classes change from period to period. In this environment, students must make too rapid adjustments.

First, they must become comfortable and efficient with the greater autonomy and responsibility presented by large and often impersonal high schools (Ford, Obiakor, and Patton, 1995).

Second, they must adjust to a wide array of teaching styles, instructional techniques. Study Skills are strategies and techniques that enable you to make the most efficient use of your time, resources, and academic potential.

Developing and improving your study skills can help you. It should be noted that study skills and time management can help in this regard to the development and progress of the language into a high position of recognition, be it in writing books, papers, pamphlets e.t.c. 

This study is based on the fact that a lot of issues have been raised on the effects of study and time management.

It is very clear that the need for good and efficient study orientation skills is a compulsory element for the students.

They will encounter so many problems in their study due to the different needs of study skills and learning systems (William, 2005; Kimberly, 2004).

The student’s task in overcoming their study difficulties is a need to adapt and adapt to a new academic and social environment.  


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