The Effects of Privatization and Commercialization Policy on National Economic Development

The Effects of Privatization and Commercialization Policy on National Economic Development.

Table of Contents


The major purpose of this study is to ascertain the effects of privatization and commercialization policy on economic development using power holding company of nigeria ekwulobia as a case study.

The reason behind using the power holding company of nigeria is because it is one of the public enterprises that its product has the widest consumption.

The population of the study consisted of 254 workers in phcn Ekwulobia Anambra state. The sample size was determined using Yaro Yamane formular.

The sample of 155 out of 254 was drawn using simple random sampling. Five research questions were formulated which guide the study.

A structured questionnaire was developed and validated for use. Table and percentage were used to answer the research questions.

The major findings of the study were: (1) there is general discontent by the public about phcn’s services (2) there was serious fluctuating power supply from late 1992 to date (3) political instability has contributed to the problems of phcn (4) phcn has not registered as a public limited company.


TITLE PAGE                                                            i

APPROVAL PAGE                                                   ii

DEDICATION                                                          iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT                                             iv

ABSTRACT                                                              vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                           viii


1.0   Introduction              1

  • Background of the study 2
  • Statement of the problems 5
  • Purpose of the study 7
  • Significance of study 8
  • Research questions 10
  • Scope/Delimitation of the study         11
  • Limitations of the study 12
  • Definition of term 13


2.0   Introduction             16

2.1   Effects of privatization and commercialization policy               17

  • Privatization and commercialization in other countries                23

2.3   Privatization and commercialization In Nigeria                     24

2.4   Objectives of privatization and commercialization programme.               30

  • Effect of sap on electricity supply problems 32
  • Electricity generation and transmission capacities 34
  • Sales and revenue collection in a commercialized PHCN                      39
  • Summary in literature review 42


3.0   Research methodology              45

  • Design of the study 45
  • Area of the study 46
  • Population of the study 46
  • Sample size/sampling techniques 46
  • Instrument for data collection 47
  • Reliability and validation of the instrument 48
  • Distribution and retrieval of the instrument 49
  • Method of data analysis 49 


4.0   Data presentation and analysis                     51

4.1   Presentation of findings                                  51

4.2   Discussion/Analysis of findings                     54


5.0   Summary of findings, Conclusion and Recommendations                                         57

5.1   Summary                                                        57

5.2   Conclusion                                                      58

5.3   Recommendations                                          59

References                                                      60

Appendix                                                         62

Questionnaires                                               63


The privatization and commercialization of public enterprises in Nigeria was an initiation of the country’s military leaders. The review of the economy in 1985 revealed that most government parastatals were running at great loses.

This was attributed to the inefficiency and waste in resource use, as a result of lack of application of capital economic principles in the management of these parastatals.

In an attempt to stem this situation, the Babangida administration decided to privatize and/or commercialize some of this obviously ailing public wealth with the hope of reducing government wasteful expenditure and improve income generation through the commercialization principle.


Ebie, C.O. (1986) “Restructuring the Nigerian Economy: The place of privatization” Bullion No. 10.

Federal Government of Nigeria (1988) Privatization and Commercialization Decree No. 25.

Obi et al (2008) Government and Politics of Nigeria: The Struggle for power in African State Onitsha: Book point publishers Ltd.

Ozor, E. (2004) Public Enterprises in Nigeria: A Study of public policy making in a changing political economy, Ibadan: University press plc.

Ramanadham, V.V. (1987) Studies in Public Enterprises: From Evaluation to Privatization London: Frank Cass abd Coy Ltd.

TCPC (1992) Annual Reports and Audited Account, Lagos.

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