The Impact Of Delegation On Management  Decision  Making

The Impact Of Delegation On Management  Decision  Making.


The topic of this study is the impact of delegation on management decision making in first bank Plc Onitsha “The researcher used oral interview and questionnaire together, data collected were analyzed using simply average and percentage techniques.

This is are the finding; Autocratic style of leadership negatively affect the organization, management of the first bank plc do not involve their workers in decision making, that there was no two ways communication channel in first bank plc, Onitsha, recommendation: first bank plc Onitsha should place high emphasis on direct participation of workers in management decision making.

since it is a fact that workers are the bedrock of organizational survival, democratic system of leadership should be adopted and encouraged in order to maintain two ways communication channel which will boast the moral.

Of the employed as well as increase in productivity, management should regard the workers as partners in program by creating avenue of getting feedback from workers to whom duties have been delegated.

In conclusion, when the above findings and recommendation are adequately considered, there should be harmony and improvement in first bank plc Onitsha.

Organization should therefore put into practice the concept of delegation of duties, responsibilities and authority for abundant fruit to reap through a better and a purposeful decision.


Title page       i

Approval page ii

Dedication    iii

Acknowledgements         iv

Abstract          v

Table of contents      vi

Chapter 1 Introduction

  • Background of the study 1
  • Statement of the problem 4
  • Objective of study 5
  • Significance of the study 6
  • Research questions 7
  • Scope / Delimitation of the study                                            8
  • Definition of Terms 8

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1.         Concept of Delegation                                                                   10

2.2.         Theoretical framework                                                                  12

2.3          Delegation – Authority and Responsibility    16

Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology                                                        

  • Design of the study 18
  • Area of study 18
  • Population of the study 18
  • Sample and Sampling techniques 19
  • Instrument for data collection 19
  • Validation of the instrument 21
  • Distribution and Retrieval of Instrument        21
  • Method of data analysis 21

Chapter 4 Data Presentation and Analysis  23

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations.

  • Summary of findings     29
  • Conclusion     30
  • Recommendations     30
  • Limitations of the study     32
  • Suggestions for further Research     32

Reference               33


The concept of delegation of authority as it happens in industries services and business organization has altered money psychologists and educationist.

These great people have carried out series of research on it with each, there coming up with a theory as it affect decision making organizations. Yet no one theory or negotiation can alone satisfactory explains the concept.

This is because of the complex in human behavior. Delegation means entrusting to or duplicating or representing.

Management is described as a socially process entailing responsibility of an effective planning and regulations of operation of achieving the objective of a business organization in the most efficient way.

However, all organization is it small or large has to take decision. The purpose of decision making as earlier said, it is to direct human behavior towards a future goals.

Decision-making is the selection from among alternative that have skills knowledge, experience on jobs duties. There should be need for a decision ­making in any plan; there must be decision on to take.


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