The Impact of Leadership Style on Worker’s Performance

The Impact of Leadership Style on Worker’s Performance.

Table of Contents


This research examined the relationship between leadership styles of managers and the effect of the leadership style on workers performance in GTBank Plc, Sokoto Branch.

For this purpose data was collected from three (3) branches of GTBank plc, in Sokoto. Quantitative method of social research was used in conducting the research as such questionnaire was administered in collecting information from the respondents.

The result that emerge from the research indicate that the X2 = 89.2 for hypothesis one and X2 =90.2 for hypothesis two.

Therefore, the researcher recommends a more cooperation to foster among stakeholders and employees and also, they should set up a quarterly meeting to get leadership feedback.

Finally, the researcher recommends that managers should adopt a good transactional leadership style to boost the morale of workers which will in turn improve their productivity and performance.


Title Page – – – – – – – i
Declaration – – – – – – – ii
Certificate – – – – – – – iv
Dedication – – – – – – – v
Acknowledgement – – – – – – vi
Table of Content – – – – – – – vi
List of Tables – – – – – – – – x
Abstract – – – – – – – – xv


1.1 Introduction – – – – – – – 1
1.2 Statement of the research problem – – – – 4
1.3 Research Questions – – – – – – 6
1.4 Aims and Objectives – – – – – – 7
1.5 Research hypothesis – – – – – 7
1.6 Significance of the study – – – – – – 7
1.7 Scope of the study – – – – – 8
1.8 Operationalization of concepts – – – – – 8

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review and Theoretical Framework

2.1 Introduction – – – – – – 10
2.2 Definition of the concepts – – – – – 10
2.2.1 Leadership – – – – – – – 10
2.2.2 Leadership styles – – – – – 12
2.3 Importance of Leadership styles – – – – 13
2.4 Factors affecting styles of leadership – – – 13
2.5 Classification of leadership – – – – 14
2.5.1 Transformational Leadership – – – – 14
2.5.2 Transactional Leadership – – – – 17
2.5.3 Charismatic leadership – – – – – 18
2.5.4 Autocratic leadership – – – – – 19
2.5.5 Bureaucratic leadership – – – – 19
2.5.6 Democratic leadership – – – – – 20
2.6 Leadership styles and worker’s performance – – 20
2.7 Indicators of employee’s performance – – – 23
2.8 Review of empirical on leadership style and worker’s performance 25
2.9 Theoretical Framework – – – – – 28
2.9.1 Personality/Trait theories – – – – 28
2.9.2 Behavioural theories – – – – – 30
2.9.3 Contingency theories – – – – – 32
2.9.4 The Systems Theory – – – – – 34


3.1 Introduction – – – – – – 36
3.2 Research Design – – – – – – 36
3.3 Study population – – – – – – 36
3.4 Sources of Data – – – – – 37
3.5 Sampling Size and techniques – – – – 37
3.6 Method of Data Collection – – – – 38
3.6.1 Questionnaire Design – – – – – 38
3.7 Techniques of Data Analysis – – – – 39

CHAPTER FOUR Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1 Introduction – – – – – – 40
4.2 Data Analysis – – – – – – 40
4.2.1 Part A: Socio-economic Background – – – 40
4.2.2 Part B: Leadership quality and Behaviour – – 44
4.3 Analysis on scores of Leadership Styles – – – 63
4.4 Testing of Hypothesis – – – – – 65
4.4.1 Hypothesis 1 – – – – – 66
4.4.2 Hypothesis 2 – – – – – 69

CHAPTER FIVE Summary, Recommendation, and Conclusion

5.1 Introduction – – – – – – 73
5.2 Summary – – – – – – 73
5.3 Summary of Findings – – – – – 74
5.4 Suggestions and Recommendations – – – 75
5.5 Conclusion – – – – – – 76
References – – – – – – 78
Appendix – – – – – – 83


1.1 Background to the Study

There is hardly any conversation today in Nigeria that doesn’t begin with the word “leadership”. Leadership in government, organization, mosque/churches and even in schools and family.

There are also leadership issues being discuss in several parts of world today. Government has fallen and an organization has fail due to bad leadership and issue of failed banks in Nigeria. There cannot be leadership without followership.

Leadership styles can either motivate or discourage employees (workers), which in return can cause employee’s increase or decrease in their level of performance.

That is, a particular style of leadership has a direct influence or effect on the productivity of an employee or employees. According to Schyns & Sanders (2007), the sources of employee job dissatisfaction include inadequate salary, conflicting job demands (from the leadership) and absence of promotion prospects.

For efficiency purposes, an effective leadership style, one that positively affects employees’ satisfaction and results in better performances, effectiveness and productivity is clearly desirable (Turner & Muller, 2005).

For every organization who wants to remain and wax stronger in a global market competitive environment must engage the service of good leaders. The effective leadership style certainly improves workers and organizational productivity.


Academy of Management Review (April). pp. 23 1-251.

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