The Impact of Marketing Strategies on Customers Patronage of Commercial Bank Services in Enugu Metropolis

The Impact of Marketing Strategies on Customers Patronage of Commercial Bank Services in Enugu Metropolis.

Table of Contents


This study is on the impact of marketing strategies on customers’ patronage of commercial bank services in Enugu Metropolis. The data collected, were tabulated and tested using the chi-square statistical method.

The findings include: The Nigeria banking sector has undergone tremendous competition since the introduction of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) on 1st of July, 1986, which has led to inflexible competition in the banking industry.

The study focuses on the use of primary and secondary sources of data by using administering of questionnaire both to the employee of the bank and also to the customer of the bank and observation method was also used in obtaining data. T-test was employed to test the various hypotheses formulated.

The hypotheses are five in number. at the end of the study, it was revealed that marketing strategy does not only have impact on marketing of physical product alone, but also on marketing of service in order to achieve the overall organization objective and growth which is the priority of every business especially the banking industry.

This is because marketing strategies is an all rewarding innovative marketing concept that guarantees business survival and maximization of profit.


Title Page                 i

Certification                     ii

Approval Page                iii

Dedication                             iv

Acknowledgements             v

Abstract                             vii

Table of Contents              viii

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

  • Background of the Study 1
  • Statement of Problems 6
  • Objectives of The Study 7
  • Research Questions 8
  • Hypotheses Formulation 9
  • Significance of The Study 10
  • Scope and Limitations of The Study 10
  • Definition of Key Terms 11

References                13

CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature

2.1    Marketing Strategies and Programmes                                  14

Bank Customers and Their Needs                                          19

  • Production Development Strategies 22
  • Electronic Banking Products 24
  • Corporate Image Strategy 31
  • Building Relationship 32

References                                                                             39-40

CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology

Research Design                                                                 41

Study Setting                                                                      43

Population                                                                          43

Sample Size                                                                        43

Sample Method Used                                                           45

Data Collection Method                             46

Instruments Used And Questionnaire Administration                46

Data Analysis            48

Reference                              50-51

CHAPTER FOUR: Data Presentation and Analysis

Data Presentation, Analysis And Discussion                            52

Questionnaire Distribution And Return                                   52

Analysis of Data                53

Testing of Hypothesis                          59

4.3.1Testing of Hypothesis 1 (H1)                                         59

  • Test of Hypothesis 2 (H2) 66 63
  • Test of Hypothesis 3 (H3) 65

4.2   Discussion                       68

Strategies and Commercial Banks Profitability Options              69

Strategies That Work in Commercial Banks                             70

  • When and How Commercial Banks Employ Strategy 73
  • Strategies and Customer Patronage of Commercial Bank Services 73

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary Conclusion And Recommendation                   77

Summary                  77

  • Conclusion 80
  • Recommendation 81

Bibliography    83


In Nigeria, commercial banks in the past were not market oriented; all their efforts were directed at selling what they (the commercial banks) can offer rather than what the customers actually needed.

This insensitivity to the need of the customer (market) was what Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, CBN Governor (2011) was referring to when he said” even now many Nigerian banks still fail to appreciate that the market may be less” turned on” and may even moving in a different direction.

He went on to say that they (the commercial banks) cling to this “marketing myopia” and undue concentration on the offering rather than consumer needs and assume that they are offering the right services, even as customers are complaining.

However, with the trend of competition as a result of the deregulation, the banking industry has witnessed a rapid transformation in recent years

“The degree of competition within the industry has been pushed to the highest level such that banks have had to look for alternative ways of competition” (first bank Business and Economic Report October, 2010).

According to onyebuagu (1995: p.43) “All organizations must stimulate or create utility if they are to survive”.


Aaker, D. & Day, G. (1980) Marketing Research John wily & Sons York Akpala, Agwu (1983) management: An introduction and the Nigeria perspectives: precision printer and publishers Enugu Nigeria

Anyanwu, Ahan & Okafor A.I. (1995) The practice of marketing: Klet ken publishers; owerri, Imo state Nigeria

Bannok, G. Baxter, R.E. & Rees Ray: (1977) The penguis Dictionary of Economics 2nd Edition: Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd Britain.

Busch and Houston (1985) Marketing: Richard D. Irwin inc. Illinois David

Luke & Ronald S. Rubin (1952) Marketing Research (seventeen edition) prentice Hall inc. USA

David Begg, Stanly Fischer & Rudiger Dorn Busch (1987) Economics (2nd edition) McGraw-Hill Book Company (U K)

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