The Impact of Public Relations on Customers Patronage of New Generation Bank in Nigeria

The Impact of Public Relations on Customers Patronage of New Generation Bank in Nigeria.


The research work  focuses  on  the  public  relations  influence  on  customer’ patronage of new generation banks (NGBs)  in Enugu .  four  banks were selected Diamond  Bank,  Zenith  Bank.

United  Bank  for  Africa (UBA) and ECO Bank .The main problem talked by the  study  is  what public relations  could  do  in  retaining  customers  of  NGBs  IN SPITE of  the  problems  bedeviling  the  banking  industry  IN  Nigeria. Some of the objectives which the study set to achieve include:

To   ascertain  the    influence      of    public    patronage    needed    to enhanced the profit motives of new general banks (NGBs). To determine whether customers are sensitive to the attitude  of bank workers toward them

To determine customer’s perception of NGBs and how such perception affect their patronage vis-a –vis the profit margin of the selected banks.

To find out what informed customer decision to patronize of the NGBs literature on  public  relation  principles  ,  customer  relations  and  perception of the banking industry were extensively  reviewed both primary  and  secondary  data  were  used  for  the  study.

Initially  some high ranking ground office staff were interviewed and the information obtained  from  them  were  quite  useful  in  pursuing  certain   are   of inquiry and which later formal the basis for the construction of the questionnaire and formulation of hypotheses.

At last some finding  were made and conclusions reached some of the findings are that:

Customer are sensitive  to  bank workers  attitude  towards  them  ii  Customers have favorable image rating f NGBs studied.

Customer  will  encourage  others  to  patronize  NGBs because  of nice treatment they receive from bank workers etc.


Title  page

Certification                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgement                                                                    iv

Abstract                                                                                      v

Table of content                                                                        vii


  • Background of study                                                   1
  • Statement of problem 4
  • Research objectives 5
  • Hypotheses formulation 6
  • Significance of the study 6
  • Scope of the study 6
  • Limitations of the  study                                             7
  • Definition of operational terms                                 7



  • Modern philosophy of public relation s 10
  • Public relations and Banking in Nigeria 12
  • The Role of public Relations in the management of finance       14
  • The structure and the Role of public relations  department  at corporate  level  of  Banks          17
  • Doing public relations at  the   branch  levels  of  banks  19
  • Tips for frontline officers on How us Relate with the customers and other key publics at  the  Branch  level  23

2.6  (b)   Selection and Training of frontline people  in  the  Art   of  Quality  customer  service             24

2,7      Customer  Relations                                                                  28

  • Objective of customers  Relations                                       29
  • How to plan  a  customer  Relations  programme              30
  • Who are the  customers                                                          31
  • What the customers  perceive  is   Reality  to Him            32
  • Key to shaping  customer  perception                                 34
  • Review of ethical imperative and social responsibility 39 References 41


  • Research design 44
  • Population of the study                                                          44
  • Sample and sampling  technique                                          44
  • sample size determination                                                     45
  • Research instruments and  procedure                                  46
  • Reliability / validity of research instrument 47
  • Method of data  analysis                                                       47

References                                                                                             48


  • Introduction 49
  • Allocation of questionnaire and rate of returns 49
  • Analysis of relevant questions                                           54
  • Test of hypotheses                                                                  63


  • Summary of findings                                                             70
  • Conclusion 71
  • Recommendation 72
  • Suggestion for further  studies                                              73


Appendix   (Questionnaire )


1.1 Background of the Stud

To survive  in  the  banking  business  effective  public  relations  is inevitable. Gone are the days when some banks thrived because  the  customer had no choice. The situation today  is  that  the  bank  must convince  the  customer,  to  attract  his  patronage.

In  other  words, customer satisfaction has become a  basis  for  attraction.  Also  in the banking sector, public relations are most needed to  boost  customer  relations, financial relations and shareholder relations which in turn  will  help to build a sustainable corporate image.

However, at the close of last millennium two major  contradictory phenomena occurred in Nigeria banking sector. The  older banks in the  sector were not really performing their financial intermediation roles to expectation .

Some  of  these  older  banks  that  were  deemed  to  have grown solid in every confidence and credibility.

This was largely kue to liquidity problems or  what  has  been  referred to  as  financial  distress  in the industry or  better  put  banking  in  business for  ages  and  are  still strong to  survive  whatever  vicissitude  this  millennium  might  bring  to  the industry .


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Adebayo, O.O (1998), Public Relations Challenges in Nigerian, Lagos: Royal Maneda Production.
Ajala, Victoria O. (19990), Public relations in search of professional Excellence, Ibadan Africa Link Books.
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Bennet, Peter  D.  (ed) (1988), Dictionary of  marketing   Terms, Chicago: American   Marketing Association.
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