The Need for Effective Stock Control in an Organization

The Need for Effective Stock Control in an Organization.

Table of Contents


This study focuses on the need for effective stock control in an organization references to Jacobs Wine Limited Mgbidi.

Effective and efficient stock control involves assessing these items to be held on stock deciding what and when to stock, regulating the issues of stock from the storehouse.

From the data, effective and efficient stock control is an order to give rise to the organization’s productivity and at the same time reduce or completely eliminate redundancy and represent money and has a direct relationship with the profitability and liabilities of our firms.


Title page      i

Certification    ii

Dedication    iii

Acknowledgement          iv

Abstract    v

Table of contents       vi

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction            1

1.1 Background Of The Study          2

1.2 Statement Of Problems    5

1.3 Objectives Of The Study   7

1.4 Research Questions       7

1.5 Significance Of The Study         8

1.6 Scope Of The Study      9

1.7 Limitation Of The Study      11

1.8 Definition Of Terms  11

Chapter Two

2.0 Literature Review   15

2.1 Definition Of Stock Control   16

2.2 Aims Of Controlling Of Stock 18

2.3 Point To Consider When Controlling Stock    19

2.4 Method Controlling Stock      21

2.5 Stock Levels               23

2.6 Characteristic Of Stock Control Systems  27

2.7 Importance Of Stock Control             27

2.8 Stock Turn Over            28

2.10 Controls For Returnable Container        31

Chapter Three

3.0 Research Design And Methodology 32

3.1 Research Design     33

3.2 Source/Method Of Data Collection       33

3.4 Population Of Study And Sample Size Determination 35

3.5 Sampling Techniques     37

3.6 Validity And Reliability Of Measuring Instruments   38

3.7 Method Of Data Analysis      39

Chapter Four

4.0 Presentation And Analysis Of Data     40

4.1 Presentation Of Data   40

4.2 Analysis Of The Data    41

4.3 Interpretation Of Result(S)     46

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation              47

5.1 Summary         47

5.2 Conclusion     48

5.3 Recommendations   49

Bibliography   51

Appendix    52

Questionnaire  53


The purpose of this work is the need to maintain high standards of audit work. The purchaser may be held liable for negligence in a particular circumstance where an organization or person suffers loss or change as a result of the failure of a purchase to discourage the fiduciary duty imposed on him by law that may be liable for negligence may be instituted against him in a court of law.

To ensure that the quality of audit work is still high he should then establish a means of maintaining the job on his behalf is a case of purchasing and stock control parishioners these are job on his behalf, is case for purchasing and stock control parishioners, these are Jacob with many pressures from clients to maintain their fee levels or even reduce them.

This may not be unconnected with the present economic condition in the country which is holding almost all business organization in most companies, unlike the case study of this project “on the organization the stock control firms are made to perform both the purchasing and stock control discuss the meaning of audit, management reason for audit recording and control.

The purchasing operational standard states that, the purchasing should satisfy himself as to the quality of the world delegated to others in so doing he should establish adequate control procures. The control procedure will include the proffer allocation of staff of appropriate ability proper briefing of staff and review of the work done by others.

There are also improvement in areas like decision making regarding the assets and ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the organization’s books.


Morrison (1977) storage and control of stock for industry and public under takings. 2nd edition, Pitman Publishing Limited, London.

Adin, B.T. (1980): Stock control in manufacturing industries 2nd edition, Gower Press Great Britain.

David Jessop & Alex Morrison (1994) Storage and Supply of materials Pitman Publishing, London.

Kenneth Lysons and Gillingham (2003): Purchasing and Supply Management.

Udoh Chris M. and Oyeoku O.K (2009), Stores Operation and Management Gastony & Associates Nig. Ltd.

Uzor A.M. (2003), Practice Store Management Bon Publication, Owerri Nigeria.

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