The Role of Accountant in the Economic Development of Organization

The Role of Accountant in the Economic Development of Organization.


The main purpose of this project is to find out the role of accountants in the economic development of Nigeria with particular reference to the Nigeria Bottling Company Onitsha. The Role of accountants in the management of business organizations varies and highly challenging.

The accountants who make use of the concepts and principles of account concerns themselves with the recording, analysis, directing, and co-operate of the preparation of forecast, budget, and other financial plans.

Since the work of accountants has been identified as a necessity in the economic development of Nigeria, NBC in particular, this research is tailored towards identifying and recommending appropriately, the salient things which all users of accounting information must watch out for in all matters concerning the improvement of their organization.

In all, hypotheses were formulated based on the specific components or facts of the accountants in NBC Onitsha and some final year students. Accounting-related information was collected through a review of relevant literature. From these, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to 50 employees of Nigeria Bottling Company Onitsha and 30 final years of accountancy students.

Out of these a total of 30 and 10 respectively were recovered. A careful analysis of the responses revealed that accountants have a great significant role in the economic development of Nigeria.

As a result of these findings of recommendations, organizations are advised to make the best use of accountants in their daily financial transactions in order to sustain the life of their business and forestall available misuse of funds and resources.

To this effect, it is very expedient to employ well meaningful accountants in all organizations, Nigeria Bottling Company in particular to ensure effective growth and development of our economy as a whole.


Title page                                                                       i

Certification                                                        ii

Dedication                                                        iii

Acknowledgment                                                 iv

Table of content                                                    vi

Abstract                                                                  ix


1.0   Introduction                                                    1


2.0   Literature Review                                           15

2.1   Preamble or Introduction                               15

2.2   Theoretical/Conceptional frame work           16

2.3   Current Literature based on the variable     20

2.4   The need for Accounting Information to be

kept in the economy and then based on the variable                                                            26

2.5   Summary of the literature review                  30


3.0   Research Methodology                                    32

3.1   Research Design                                             32

3.2   Area of study                                                  33

3.3   Population of study                                  34

3.4   Sample of study                                        34

3.5   Instrument of data collection                         35

3.6   Validation of the instrument                          36

3.7   Distribution and retrieval of instrument       37

3.8   Method of data analysis                                 38


4.0   Data Presentation and Analysis                     39

4.1   Finding                                                            49

4.2   Presentation and Distribution of the finding 51


  • Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation 53
  • Summary of the finding 53
  • Conclusion                                                 54
  • Recommendations                                         56
  • Limitations of study 57
  • Suggestions for further research 58

Reference                                                        59

Appendix                                                         61

Questionnaires                                               62



Role of Accountant in Economic Development of Nigeria, it has to do with the role in which Accountant plays in the Economic Development of Nigeria.

The concept of Economic Development has to with innovation and improvement in the quality of life of the people it is about the sustained rise in the standard of living of the people over time, whether in advance or less developed countries, nations, government superiors state of affairs or superiors they currently enjoy.

To achieve this, deliberate efforts are to be made in other to implement people-oriented Policies that would raise their capacity to produce and earn more. This will manifest in the form of growth in the gross domestic product (GAP) of the economy, and extension improvement in the size of per capita income.

When this occurs on a sustained basis with a positive impact on the citizens, quality of life. Development is said to have taken place.

Since 1960 when Nigeria gained its independence, for instance, the place of economic growth and development has not yet met the aspiration of the founding fathers of the nation in spite of the many developments and rolling plans that have been meticulously drawn up by the government.

Although a lot of resources have been committed to the development of some economic projects, the results have been dismal. In fact, that the Nigerian economy is presently in a quagmire, is enough evidence of the failure of past efforts to pull the nations up by its bootstrap through the instrumentality of development and rolling plans.

Thus:- the basic thrust of development policies, in a less developed country like Nigeria is to provide as many people as possible with the means of overcoming the helplessness and misery arising from a lack of food, health, education, security of life and property which pose serious challenges to their longevity.

Here lies the justification for the choice of topic which seeks to consider the role of accountants in economic development.

Firstly, an accountant is a person skilled in keeping, examining, recording, or inspecting the accounting of an organization or a nation. Accountants play a very vital role in the development of Nigeria’s economy.

They also contribute efficiently to the development of some business organizations in Nigeria example (Nigeria Bottling Company). The role of accountants can never be looked down on if the aim and purpose of the country are to be achieved.


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Charles Magee, .R. (1971), Accounting Gee and Co. London Publisher Limited. Page 41. No 4.
Lewis Brown, J. and Haward Lesuse, .R. (1979), “Principle and Practice of Manager Accounting” London MacDonald and Evan Limited.
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Oshagbent, T.A. (1983), “Small Business Management in Nigeria”. Onitsha: Hongkong February Publisher Limited. Page 8. No. 4.
Thacker, .R.J. (1977) “Introduction to Modern Accounting. Pertical Hall Book. Page 2.

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