The Role of Advertising in Product Promotion in the Wine and Spirit Industry


uses various promotional methods to communicate with , groups, and organizations much like product, price, distribution and make up the marketing mix. Promotion is one of the mix elements.

Promotion can equally be seen as the marking activities used to communicate to a target market, positive persuasive information about an organization, its and its activities to directly or indirectly expedite changes.

Advertised product is standard and legitimate, because many people see advert for product, buyers know that purchasing the product will be publicly understood and accepted. Advertising permits the seller to repeat a message many times and it lets the buyer receive and compare the message to various competitors.

The major objective of this study is to determine the effect of advertisement on brand turnover in the wine and spirit industry. This is a survey method of research that made use of interview guide and questionnaire. The sources of data are the primary and secondary.

From the study it was revealed that advertising can establish brand loyalty, in-spite of new and improved product competition; that for advertising to aid sales it should be both persuasive, and informative.

It can be concluded therefore, that if advertising has been successful in establishing brand loyalty, in spite of competitive new and improved product, which means advertising plays a major role in product promotion and it can be used to prevent competitor from cutting into the share of the coy.

Based on the foregoing companies should increase their advertising activities because the information supplied through advertisement helps the consumer in making his/her purchasing decision such as availability of the product and the needs which the product can also satisfy.

They should equally adhere strictly to attributes of the product presented in the advertisement, since this will have effect on the consumer either in their decision to repeat or perception of the company and its product.

Finally, they should ensure that advertisement is projected to people in such a way that they can be able to reach the advert point of purchase & advert message should not be unnecessarily lengthy & ambiguous.


Title Page         i

Certification            ii

Approval Page     iii

Dedication         iv

Acknowledgements          v

Abstract         vi

List of Tables                   vii

Table of contents     viii


  • Background of the Study 1
  • Statement of Problem 2
  • Objectives of the Study 2
  • Research Questions 2
  • Formulation of Hypotheses 3
  • Significance of Study 3
  • Scope of the Study 5
  • Limitation of the Study 5
  • Definition of Terms 5


  1. 1 Theoretical Framework 8
  • Historical Background of the Company 9
  • Role of production in the Marketing Mix 10
  • Evolution of Advertising in Nigeria 11
  • Nature of Advertising 12
  • Type of Advertising 12
  • Tools of Advertising 14
  • Objectives of Advertising 14
  • A Model of Buying Decision process 16
  • The communication process 17
  • Hierarchical Models of Advertising 18
  • Criticism of hierarchical Model of Advertising 20
  • Evaluating Advertising effectiveness 21
  • Criticism of Advertising 22
  1. 15 Regulation of promotional Activities 23


CHAPTER THREE Research Design and Methodology

  • Area of Study 27
  • Research Design 27
  • Sample Size and Sampling Techniques 27
  • Research Instrument 27
  • Sources and Collection of Data 28
  • Measurement of Variables 28
  • Data Analysis Techniques 28


CHAPTER FOUR Data Presentation Analysis and Discussion

  • Introduction 30
  • Background Character ties of the respondent 30

4.2.     Date Presentation and analysis data according to

questions from questionnaire and research data                                      32

  • Hypothesis Testing 36
  • Research findings 36

CHAPTER FIVE Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary 39

5.2 Conclusion 39

  • Recommendations 40
  • Suggestions for further studies 41

Bibliography                                                                                                        42

Appendix                                                                                                            44


Business uses various promotional methods to communicate with individuals, groups, and organizations much like product, price, distribution and promotion make up the marketing mix.

Promotion is one of the marking mix elements. Skinner (1990) defines promotion as the marking activities used to communicate to a target market, positive persuasive information about an organization, its products and its activities to directly or indirectly expedite changes.

Advertised product is standard and legitimate, because many people see advert for product, buyers know that purchasing the product will be publicly understood and accepted.

Advertising permits the seller to repeat a message many times and it lets the buyer receive and compare the message to various competitors (Okigbo, 1996).

Skinner (1991) defines advertising as a paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, its products or its activities that are transmitted through a mass medium to a target audience.

The mass medium could be Television, Radio’ Newspaper, Magazine, Direct mail, Sign on mass transit vehicles, Outdoor display, Handbills, Catalogues or Directories.

Advertising gives markets the flexibility to reach an extremely large target audience or to focus on a small precisely defined segment of the popula

Modern history of advertising came in the year 1450 when printing press was invented. Advertisers no longer had to produce copies of a sign by hand. The first printed advertisement in English language appeared in 1478.


Adepoju, A. (2003): “Marketing Research Techniques”, Concept Publishing Limited Lagos.

Asika, N. (2002): “Research Methodology in Behavioural  Sciences”  Longman  Nigeria Plc Lagos.

Arens, F. William, (2004): “Contemporary Advertising” Prentic Hall Publishers Inc.

Churchill, G. et al (1999): “Marketing Grating Value for Customers,” McGraw Hill Companies USA.

Ehikwe, Andrew E. (2005): “Advertising and Other Promotional Strategies” Marketing Communication Perspectives) Precision Publishers Limited. Enugu Nigeria.

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