The Role of Educated Nigeria Women in the Social and Economic Development of our Country

The Role of Educated Nigeria Women in the Social and Economic Development of our Country.

Table of Contents


The major purpose of the study was to determine the roles of educated Nigeria women in socio-economic development of our country. The population of the study consisted of the 78 educated women. Both workers and visitors in women development center awka.

The sample size for the study was 70 using simple  random sampling, with 90%  of the percent  of the entire   population four research question were formulated  which quited the study a 70 tem  structured questionnaire were developed, percentage was used to analyze  the data collected.

The major finding of the study were. (1) it was observed that women help in    building  of charitable  organization  motherless baby homes etc, awarding of  scholarship and building of health centers (2)  it was also found that  government is the most eminent  sources  of  help  to educate  nigerian women in playing.,

Their roles it  was concluded that.  (iii) educated  women play a vital role in socio-economic development  of  nigeria  (2) educated women contribute in  building  of charitable  organization awarding of  scholarship and building  of   health centers ultimately it was recommended that above mention  factors.

That federal government should  encourage  women education by criticizing early marriage in the country (2) government should create employment programmes for younger women to enable them to develop themselves.


Title page ———————————————–i

Approval page——————————————ii




Table of content————————————–viii


  • Introduction ————————————-1

1.1  background of the study————————4

1.2 statement of the problem————————9

1.3 objective/  purpose of  the study————-10

1.4 significance of the study———————–11

1.5 scope of the study——————————-13

1.6 research question ——————————

1.7 Definition  of  terms —————————-13


  • Literature review——————————-16

2.1 Roles of educated Nigerian women

2.2 Contribution of educated Nigerian women

2.3 problems confronter by educated Nigeria women

2.4 Sources of help top educated Nigerian women


  • Research Methodology———————–39

3.1 Design of the study—————————–40

3.1 Area of the study———————————–

3.3 Population of the study————————41

3.4 Sample of the study—————————–41

3.5 Description of the instrument  —————42

3.6 Distribution and retrieval of the instrument –43

3.7 method of data analysis————————43


  • presentation and analysis of Data ———-45




5.1 Summary of findings—————————55

5.2   Conclusion ———————————–59

5.3 Recommendations ——————————57

5.4 Limitations of the study————————60

5.5 Suggestions of the  study





1.1 Background of the Study

Over   four  decade years ago  educated  Nigerian women  were  left out  in  most  of  the  national issues.   Most average  Nigeria  men felt  that the place  of  women   no  matter  the level of  her education  end in  kitchen.

However the  contribution  of  most educated women in  Nigeria in  the  recent time  have  cleared al doubt  in  the  saying that what  a  man  can do woman  can do  more  better.

Nigerian women are now coming forward  in this  21st  century to assert   and play significance  role in  the  countries    social   and economic  development   with their male  counterpart , they  have    left no  stone unturn in  carrying out  their  nature   duties either as a  civil  servant, commissioner,  minister, governor,  public  servant,  heads  of   non  governmental  organization  (NGO)etc.

They now  organize  seminars  workshop,  campaign etc on women  empowerment  and  campaign on  feeding  methods and spacing  of  children and   number   of  children  which every  family   would  aim at  for  a  proper education   and  healthy up bringing.

Economically,   most idle  house  wife  in  the rural areas have be rehabilitated after  receding lectures on  the  roles  educated women in  developing economy and   women empowerment  in  our country.


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