The Role of Information Technology in Enhancing the Performance of Nigeria Capital Market

The Role of Information Technology in Enhancing the Performance of Nigeria Capital Market.

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Companies and government (local, state, and federal) are continuously facing financial problem not only to meet their short term needs, but also to meet their long term capital requirement for fixed investment like factories,

plant and machinery, housing estate, road electricity etc for the execution of such long term project are produced by the capital market. It is a market that mobilized saving from surplus units for long term investment Yusuf (2004).

It is the arm of the financial market which is designed to facilitate the efficient flow of long term capital Ekineh (2001).

More elaborately, the capital market is an interconnectivity of financial and government institution, facilities arrangement and individual that interacts in ways approved by law to mobilize and allocate long term funds in the economy through the exchange of fund for debt or equity instruments.

For the market to prepare itself in thus present millennium there is need for information technology. Major forces that will drive economics and business in the third millennium are increasingly becoming evidence.

These include democratization globalization and information technology. Advance information technology have thrown up new challenge that must be taken into consideration thus could be illustrated with the ties in the service sector,

where the emphasis is now on customers and service delivery, consequently, effective communication links and computerized system are essential for high quality service delivery.

However, thus research project is set out to examine how modern information technology can be used to enhance the efficiency of the capital market by finding ways to provide information to the investors as required by the earlier mentioned efficient capital market participants and contribute positively to development of the national economy.

In addition, an empty shall be made to examine the change that has taken place in the market with emphasis on those changes occasioned by information technology.


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Business Guardian. Vol. 17, No. 8088 January 8, 2009

Business Vanguard Vol. 17, No. 4665 January 12, 2009

Case Study (1999) “Stock Exchange” Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 1993-1999 (An Internet Base Encyclopedia).

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