The Role of Leadership in Promoting Creativity and Innovation

The Role of Leadership in Promoting Creativity and Innovation.

Table of Contents


This project work is focused on the role of leadership in promoting creativity and innovation (the study of selected manufacturing firms in Enugu urban).

The project work is aimed at examining the effects of leadership role  on creativity and innovation, the factors and challenges expected by leaders and employees during creative process. The writer employed the use of historical research method.

In review of related literature in chapter two of this works.  In chapter three, the researcher made use of  survey research plan in which questionnaire were split into two sections: questionnaire on leadership and employees  opinion concerning creativity and innovation process.

Furthermore, the writer employed the use of stratified random sampling in selecting the sample size for the study. The writer formulated four hypotheses in line with the problems and objectives of the study.

However, the researcher adopted the use of chi-square statistical test in testing the hypotheses which the following results emerged.

That motivational incentives for creativity and innovation have encourage the exploration of hidden talents in  the work place, there is significant relationship between managers/leaders and employees in promoting creativity  and innovation, leaders setting unambitious tasks on employees have not reduce stress and hypotheses four indicate validate by concluding that leaders involving their subordinates in decision making process encourage the spirit of team work.

Data collected were analyzed and presented with tables and percentages. In view of the findings made, the following recommendations accrued from the result of the research work.

That leaders be  democratic in their leadership styles as to create enabling environment to improve employees creative ability, leaders  should  consult their staff in taking key decisions, team members as to achieve set objective and finally, leaders should give adequate support to their employees when embarking on creative process.


Cover page i

Title page ii

Certification iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgement v

Abstract vi

Table of contents vii


  • Background of the study 1
  • Statement of the problem 5
  • Objectives of the study 6
  • Hypotheses formulation 8
  • Scope and limitations of the study 8
  • Significance of the study 9
  • Definition of terms 10

References 12


  • Introduction 14
  • Theoretical framework 14
  • Individual and organizational creativity and innovation 19
  • Stages of creative process in organization 22
  • The impact of     effective     leadership     styles     on organizational creativity and innovation 25
  • Methods of promoting organizational creativity 32
  • Guidelines for stifling innovation in an organization 34
  • Role of leadership in managing and encouraging Innovation 36
  • Factors that contribute to the promotion of creativity and innovation in an organization 41
  • Factors affecting leadership    styles    in    promoting creativity and innovation 45
  • Leadership creating the culture of creativity 48
  • Development of leadership: implementor and pacifier 50
  • Four domain factor     promoting     creativity      and innovation in a work place 55

References 62


  • Sources of data 66
  • Area of the study 67
  • Population of the study 67
  • Sample size determination 68
  • Instrument of data collection 69
  • Method of data analysis 70

References 73


  • Presentation of data 74
  • Hypotheses testing 89
  • Analysis of data 97



  • Summary of findings 101
  • Conclusion 103
  • Recommendations 105
  • Suggestion for further study 107

Appendix A 109

Appendix B 110

Bibliography 113



It is obvious that by “creative”, we generally mean the words and pictures, the sound and the music, the models that are projected and may be, even associations with such sports, films and other personalities who typify such role model. This is understandable. After all, these are the most visible element of improving growth and development in organization.

Creativity is an asset impossible to financially quantify a prior in an organization (Amabile, 2002:52). Before a product or service is available to the market and sales numbers are unveiled no one can tell whether or not the money will spent or completely wanted (Sutton; 2004:10).

Creativity, as generally understood is only  one, even if a very important component of generating and designing of the service development. What is more at the very  beginning, must point out that all the talent that creative young aspirants for jobs for manufacturing industries are not sufficient into this highly demanding work (Cannon, 2005:98).

On the other hand, the opportunities that the profession offers are more varied and creativity more challenging in the wider sense of the term.


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Hornby, A.S. etal (1974), Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Third Edition, American Oxford University Press.

Laurie, J.M. (2007) Management and Organizational Behaviour, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall Indian, Pearson Education.

Okeke, T.C. (2005) Research Methods: A Guide to Success in Project Writing, Bauchi; Multi-system Publisher.

Sorenson, I.R. (2000), Managing Organizational Behaviour, New York, John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Stonner, J.A.F. etal (2007), Management, 6th Ed, Indian, Prentice Hall,

West, M.A. (1997), Developing Creativity in an Organization, BPS.

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