Utilization of Library and Information Resources for Social Science Research in Universities in North Central Zone, Nigeria

Utilization of Library and Information Resources for Social Science Research in Universities in North Central Zone, Nigeria.


The study aimed at determining the extent of utilization of library and information resources for research by social science lecturers in universities, North-Central Zone of Nigeria. Based on the main purpose, six specific purposes and 4 hypotheses were formulated for the study. Survey research design was used for the study.

The population consisted of 1,446, made up of 1,044 social science university lecturers in the five-core social science subject areas, which consist of Economics, Geography, Mass Communication, Political Science and Sociology; 380 university library staff in charge of Social Science and Information and Communication Technology collections; and 22 university librarians in all the universities in the study zone.

Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select 640 social scince lecturers as sample for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used for selecting 9 universities, 3 each from federal, state and private – owned institutions based on their functionality, availability of ICT facilities, and year of establishment of the institutions; university librarians from these 9 universities were included.

The instrument for data collection was a researcher developed questionnaire titled “Utilization of Library and Information Resources for Social Science Research in Universities in North-Central Zone of Nigeria” (ULIRSSRUNCZN). The instrument was face validated by three experts, one in Library and Information Science, one in Mass Communication and one in Measurement and Evaluation.


are established to generate new to help the society, encourage transfer and of innovations, provide facilities for learning and , store knowledge and disseminate of information. Learning and research in universities are carried out through the various academic programmes approved by the regulatory agency like Universities Commission for Nigeria. (nuc.edu.ng) acting as a catalyst for positive change and innovation for the delivery of quality education and research.

Social Science discipline is one of such numerous bodies of knowledge and it is concerned with the study of human behaviour, socialization, interpersonal relationship and adaptation to programs, events or devices among groups. In every abode of humans there are social problems and issues that are life threatening to man and the society he lives, such like drugs abuse, violent, crimes, armed robbery, corruption, embezzlement, fraud, sexual abuse, poverty, crimes, kidnapping, leadership problems, tribal and ethic wars, hi-tech crimes, juvenile delinquency, insurgency among others which are common.

Research findings have helped the society to address and solve some of these social problems and issues using print and digital information resources. (Ibenne 2010). Research is one of the functions that the library is set to serve with its resources. Research has been a relevant tool to human society and useful in enabling many to widen knowledge of the world around them, identify some of these problems, discover relationships existing between the phenomena and formulate and test theories and hypothesis (Ojo, 2011) Okonofa (2010) observed that without research, teaching would be old-fashioned, monotonous and static.


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