Utilization of Visual Arts in Solid Waste Management as a Contribution to Solving Problems of Environmental Degradation in Aba Metropolis, Nigeria

 – Utilization of Visual Arts in Solid Waste Management as a Contribution to Solving Problems of Environmental Degradation in Aba Metropolis, Nigeria –

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Environmental degradation is a subject that is currently receiving attention all over the world and one of its causes is improper management of solid wastes. Many Nigerian cities like Aba in Abia State are currently facing serious environmental  problems arising from this situation.

Apart from the obvious aesthetic cost of improper management of solid wastes, some of the problems go deeper because many of the things thrown away like aluminum products, bottles and plastics are eventually indestructible in nature and if not properly disposed of, they cause pollution which invariably give rise to environmental problems that affect the ecology and  human health.

The study was embarked on because of the need to explore and examine the contributions of the visual arts in solid waste management  in  Aba metropolis. This  is in line with the current awareness all over the world that solid wastes can either be a liability or an asset depending on how they are managed.

The study is divided into six chapters and was guided by seven objectives. It adopted the ethnological  and descriptive approaches. The basic ground for the involvement of the visual arts in sustainable waste management is anchored on the second  option  in  waste  management hierarchy which is known as ‘reuse’.

Artists who  are  engaged in ‘waste to art’ show how wastes can be reused  creatively.  They have  equally demonstrated that art works are not just objects of decoration or merchandise but are also important historical documents and mediums of social re-engineering and can be used to make environmental statements.

Positive changes were observed in students that were  exposed to waste to art. This was evident  in  the way they become peer  educators on the prospects in waste to art; showed interest in discarded objects as materials for  artistic creation; and the art works they created with waste materials.


1.1 Background of the Study

The environment is a subject that is currently receiving attention all over the world because its fast deterioration has become a global issue  and  calls  for intervention from all, ranging from the school child to the housewife, the smoker, the builder, the market woman, corporate bodies, industrialists, scientists, environmentalists, the visual artists, among others.

This is because it has become apparent that the present generation has a responsibility to protect and replenish the fast deteriorating natural resources in order to preserve its environment for the future generation.

The environment according to the American heritage dictionary is, “the combination of external or extrinsic physical conditions that affect or influence the growth and development of organisms.” This involves  all  the  external  factors affecting an organism.

These factors may be other living organisms (biotic factors) or non living variables (abiotic factors e.g. temperature, rainfall, length of day, wind and ocean current).

This is why Okonkwo in Mba, Uchegbu and  Moughalu,  (2001)  sees the environment as an amalgam of land, sea, river, streams and coastland, the country side, natural vegetation, animals, fishes, hills and mountains.

Canter (as cited in Uchegbu, 2002) and Holderness and Lambert (1982), summarize by categorizing the environment into air, water, noise, sociological, cultural and socio-economic environments.

To him, in a physical sense, the environment  is  made up  of things  in the air, land and water.


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