Work Skills Required by Secondary School Graduates for Success in Yam Production and Processing Enterprise in Anambra State

Work Skills Required by Secondary School Graduates for Success in Yam Production and Processing Enterprise in Anambra State.

Table of Contents


This study is focused on the identification of skills required by secondary school graduates for success in yam production and processing enterprise in Anambra State. Six research questions were posed in conformity with the purpose of the study.

Six null hypotheses were formulated and tested 0.05 level of significance at relevant degree of freedom. The study made use of survey research design. The structured questionnaire were generated from the literature reviewed for the study.

The questionnaires was face validated by three experts, one from Department of Crop Science, and two from Department of Vocational Teacher Education, university of Nigeria Nsukka. The reliability coefficient of the instrument were determined using product moment correlation co-efficient.

The reliability for the instrument was 0.81. The data was collected from 200 Agricultural Science Teachers and 82 Extension workers in Anambra State. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions, while the t-test statistic was used in testing the hypotheses.

The findings revealed that nine (9) skills were required in planning for yam production eighteen (18) skills were required in planting of yam, fourteen (14) skills were required in management of yam field.

Ten (10) skills were required in harvesting and storage fifty four (54) skills were required in processing of yam into various forms and nine (9) skills were required in marketing of yam and yam products.

The result of the null hypotheses tested revealed that there was no significant differences in the mean rating of of the groups of respondents on skills required by Agricultural Science teachers and Extension Agents for Success in yam production and processing enterprises.

It was recommended that the identified skills in this study should be packaged by the government and integrated into the programmes of skills acquisition centers where it could be used for training interested unemployed youths in yam production and processing.


Title page…….. i

Approval page……………. ii

Certification…………… iii

Dedication…………… iv

Acknowledgments……. v

Table of contents……. vi

List of tables…. viii

Abstracts……………….. x


Background of the Study………….. 1

Statement of the Problem……….. 11

Purpose of the Study……….. 14

Significance of the Study……. 14

Research question…. 15

Hypotheses………….. 16

Delimitation `of the Study……… 17

Assumption of the Study……… 18


Theoretical frame work of the Study……………………….. 19

Approaches to Skill Identification in Crop Production…………………… 25

Skill Required in Planning in Yam for Production…………………………. 38

SKILL Required for Planting of Yam…………………… 43

Skill Required for the Management of Yam Field………… 52

Skill Required for Harvesting and Storage of Yam…………………………. 62

Skill Required for Processing of Yam into various forms………………… 65

Skill Required for Marketing of Yam and yam product…………………. 72

Related Empirical Studies…….. 77

Summary of Literature Review…………. 78


Design of the Study………… 80

Area of the Study……………………. 80

Population for the Study…………. 81

Sample of the study……………… 81

Instrument for Data Collection……….. 82

Validation of the Instrument……….. 83

Reliability of the instrument..83

Method of Data Collection……. 84

Method of Data Analysis…….. 84


Research Question 1…………….. 86

Research Question 2….. 87

Research Question 3……… 89

Research Question 4.. 90

Research Question 5…………… 91

Research Question 6…. 95

Hypothesis 1…………. 96

Hypothesis 2…… 98

Hypothesis 3…………. 99

Hypothesis 4…. 101

Hypothesis 5……….. 103

Hypothesis 6……….. 109

Findings of the study………….. 111

Discussion of findings on the Hypothesi… 119


Restatement of problem…. 128

Purpose of the study…………… 129

Description of the procedure used……….. 130

Major findings of the study……………. 131

Conclusion………….. 131

Implications of the study……… 132

Recommendation……. 133

Suggestions for further students……… 133

References…….. 135

Appendix…. 144


 1.1 Background of the Study

The major objective of the Nigeria’s food production policy is to achieve self-sufficiency in food production and processing.

The development of agricultural sector is very important not+ only because the sector produces bulk of the nations food and agricultural products but because majority of the nations population live and work in the sector.

(Abalu, 1987). Some of the Nigeria’s agricultural produce include rice, maize, cassava coco yam and yam.

Yam is an important staple food crop in many communities in  Anambra state of Nigeria. Yam according to Uguru (1996) belongs to the family of Dioscorecea, which is one of the monocot plants which is planted and harvested every farming season.

Its propagation as food and staple crop is carried out with  six species, which are popularly cultivated in Nigeria namely, Dioscorecea rotundata (white yam), Dioscorecea alata (water yam) Dioscorecea Cayenesis (yellow yam), Dioscorecea bulifera (aerial yam), Dioscorecea esculenta (Chinese yam) and Dioscorecea dumentorum (trifoliate yam).

Osuji (1985) stated that all yams are classified as monocotyledonous crop under the genus Dioscorecea,  family Dioscorceaceae and order Dioscoreales.


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