The Position Under The Nigeria Legal System

Here Nigeria is a country  in the  West of  Africa that lies  vast of the republic of  Benin, South  of the Republic of Nigeria and  Chad and  west  of the republic   of Cameron  and north  of  to gulf  of guinea.

The Nigeria legal system is made up of the comma law, statutory law, customary law  and Islamic law,

Customary law and Islamic law.  The common law is essentially as accumulated body  of English 

case law

The statutory law comprises restatement of English statutes, which over the years have been amended or reenacted and written laws passed by the enabling body. The customary laws, where applicable, are the body of rules governing a particular group of people and Islamic law are  religious tenets  applicable  to those  subject to it.

Nigeria  is a multi – ethnic nation  with  over  two hundred   and fifty different ethnic group  there dominant  groups  account for  nearly sixty percent  of the countries  total  population of about  one hundred and twenty  million people. Theses are the Yoruba, who are pre dominantly in the southeast, the Igbo’s in the southeast  and the Hausa  in  the north.

In Nigeria Africa countries traditional customs deep rooted cultural mores and religious beliefs tend to complete  with and in many cases overshadows the common  laws and  statutory laws with regard to some issues.

Issues relating in violence against women in Nigeria.  The highest incidence of violence occur in the home and the bosom  of the closely knitted  family, this is a contradiction as the Africa  family is noted for being closely knit

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