Cute Good Morning Love Letters for Her in 2022

Every morning is a wonderful time to let the woman in your life know that she was and will always be the first person on your mind.

It’s also a beautiful time to express how much you love her and how much you long to spend every day of your life waking up with her right next to you every morning.

Just so you know, it doesn’t cost so much to put a sweet smile on the face of someone special in your life; be it your friends, girlfriend, wife or loved ones.

And a beautifully written good morning love letter from you first thing in the morning could be all you need to make your significant other smile and have a great day.

Go ahead and start her day on a good and brighter note with these trendy cute good morning love letters for her.

Romantic Good Morning Love Letters and Notes for Her

Good Morning Love Letters for Her: Sweet Romantic Good Morning Love Letters to send to your Girlfriend.

1. Lately

Have I told you lately that I can’t live without you?
Have I said that you mean so much to me?
Have I told you lately that there’s no one above you except God?
Have I said that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me?
Have I told you lately that you are everything to me?
Have I said that you mean the world to me?
Have I told you lately that you are special, beautiful, caring and loving just the way you are?
Have I said that your love is like the air I needed to survive?
Have I told you lately that you are my strength, my motivation and my inspiration?
Have I said that you’re a blessing in disguise to me?
Have I told you lately that I loved you?
You know that I love you right? Well I do.
Good morning from me to you.

2. The Answer

I climbed up the mountain Everest of your heart, hoping I could find answers.
Answers to why I feel this way whenever you are around.
Because each time you’re close by, happiness and love are always within my reach.
And there is always this strange sensation within my body, soul, mind and heart.
Then, I lost my footing in the atmosphere of the love, care and support you gave me.
As you provide answers to each and every question that arises from my heart.
I am so blessed and grateful that you are mine and I love you beyond words.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

3. Not A Dream

It still feels like I am actually living in a dreamland where everything is just too perfect and magical.
Is this just another dream of mine or I am just seeing a mirage?
Is my mind playing games with my feelings and emotions and thoughts now?
I kept asking myself; how could you be mine? Yes, you!
You’re so adoring, beautiful, caring, understanding, patience, loving and supportive.
I feel honoured to be loved and cared for by you and I’m glad that you are mine.
I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.
Good morning and have a great day.

4. The Words
Words might fail me to express how much more I have come to cherish and love you.
Words will fail me now if I decide to describe how much you mean to me.
Words can’t be enough to tell you how much I am blessed to have someone as special as you are.
Words might fail me if you ask me to describe the feelings I have for you.
Words cannot describe how happy and excited to know that you’re mine.
Words will fail me to tell you how much I am honoured to be with you.
As there is no word to qualify nor quantify how much you mean to me.
You’re indeed my one and only, I love you beyond words.
Good morning from me to you.

5. What I See
My words will all fail me to describe what I see in you, my love.
No words to describe what I am feeling inside of me for you, my dear.
Because there is no word yet in the dictionary to explain this magical sensation that I’m feeling within me.
You cared and loved me like no one else could and I am lucky to have someone as darling and sweet as you are.
You make my heart leap for joy whenever I am close to you.
Thanks for everything my dearest, I love you beyond the stars.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

6. Out of Your Sight
Often time I wish I could open up my mind and heart for you to see how much you mean to me.
How I crave for you and your beautiful face, sweet voice, warmth hug and tender love.
My dear, I long to be with you each and every single minute.
I don’t want to be out of your sight for a second nor did I want to be out of your warmth embrace.
You’ve brighten my life with your care and love and I’m glad to have someone as special as you are.
I wish you the very best that life has to offer today and always.
I love you tenderly Sweetheart.
Good morning and have a great day.

7. Without You
Without you, my love, life is so full of misery, hurt and depression.
Without you, my dearest, I’m always at my worst with nothing to see for.
Without you, my baby, life is boring, dry and lonely, because there is no you to add fun to it.
Without you, my special one, my heart is restless and I am not at my best.
Without you, beautiful, my world is colourless and tasteless.
Without you, my princess, I don’t know what would become of me.
Without you, my angel, I am just another wayfarer.
But with you, my one and only, life is full of expectancies and adventures.
I love you so much Beautiful.
Good morning from me to you.

8. Without A Doubt
I know without a doubt the moment I set my eyes on you that we’re meant to be.
There is this affirmation that you are the right one for me, as I couldn’t describe the feeling when I met you.
And I still can’t express in words how much you mean to me and most especially, how much I have come to love you.
You taught me how to get the very best out of life; how to live rather than just existing.
You also taught me how to love again and better than how I used to.
I’m blessed to have you in my life and I love you dearly.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

9. Nothing
Nothing is as beautiful as you are my love.
Nothing is as sweet as your voice nor your love for me.
Nothing is as precious as you are my baby.
Nothing is as pretty as you nor your face.
Nothing is as inspiring as you are to me my queen.
Nothing can ever take the space you’ve occupied in my heart.
I love you beyond the stars.
Good morning and have a great day

10. I Miss All of You
I miss the way you honour, respect, cherish and love me.
I miss the way you value and adore me.
I miss looking into your eyes and tell you how much I love you.
I miss your laughter and smiles.
I miss your beautiful face and I miss your sweet voice too.
I miss talking, laughing and playing with you.
I miss your naughty side and most especially, your sense of humour.
I miss everything about you and I wish you were here with me.
I love you tenderly.
Good morning from me to you.

11. Just The Way You Are
You’re awesome, just the way you are.
You’re beautiful, just the way you are.
You’re caring, just the way you are.
You’re diligent, just the way you are.
You’re eloquent, just the way you are.
You’re friendly, just the way you are.
You’re gorgeous, just the way you are.
You’re humble, just the way you are.
You’re intelligent, just the way you are.
And I cherish and love you, just the way you are.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

12. My Love
My love for you is like the sun which brighten up your day.
My love for you is like the moon which lighten up my night.
My love for you is like a drop of rain which makes an ocean.
My love for you is like the air I breathe.
My love for you is like a flower which blossom in the garden of your heart.
My love for you is like a book that gets interesting from page to page and one chapter to another.
My love for you is like the palm wine which get sweeter as it gets older.
My love for you is till the end of time. I love you beyond the stars.
Good morning and have a great day.

13. The Rose Flower
I saw a beautiful rose flower in the garden of Eden, surrounded with thorns.
Thorns of the rejected, unloved and dejected people who seeks to drain it of her beauty and scent.
You’re as beautiful as the rose flower I saw in the garden.
You’re just like a rose flower which brought fragrance to my life.
As you’ve brighten up my life with the way you care and love me.
I am blessed to have someone as beautiful as the tulip and as sweet as honey and as awesome as you are, my love.
I love you tenderly.
Good morning from me to you.

14. My Thought
From sunrise until sunset, you’re always in my thoughts.
From dawn to dusk, you’re there in my heart. As my heart is the safer place to keep you, my love.
You’re in my thoughts in the morning and you were the last person I thought of before hitting the bed.
Even when I tried hard to get you off my mind, the more you linger on in my heart.
Even before I go to bed the thought of u makes me to want u the more.
I love you dearly.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

15. My Treasure
I was lost in a faraway country and then I met with a merchant who was looking for a labourer.
I made myself available to work under him, hoping to make an honest living and then find my way back to my real world.
Then one faithful day, something strange happened, which left me dumbstruck.
I met with what, at foresight, I thought it was a mirage, because it could only been seen in dreamland.
Can this be real? Could it be that I am dreaming?
And as you walk closer, the illusion fades away as you’re actually real and not a mirage.
You turned out to be the treasure that I seek; you were close to me, yet I didn’t know.
I love you so much.
Good morning and have a great day

16. When I Was…
I was very blind by hatred, rage, heartbreak, and revenge.
I was lost in my misery, haunted by my past, that it left me as a wayfarer.
And I was shortsighted to look beyond the past and present and see what lies ahead of me.
That the love I seek for so many years was right in front of me, yet I couldn’t see it.
Yes! I couldn’t see it, because I was still so blind by dejection and hatred.
While in my state of confused mind, you came into my experience and loved me unconditionally.
I am glad that you didn’t give up on me, even when you had every reason to.
I love you beyond the stars, my princess.
Good morning from me to you.

17. You Are
You are the smile and laughter on my face.
You are the air that I breathe to survive.
You are my woman, my everything.
You are the source of my joy unspeakable.
You are the sunshine that brighten my day.
You are my one and only.
You are the cause of the happiness I feel within me.
You are the moon that lighten my night and darkest hour.
You are my strength when I am weary and tired.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
I love you beyond words, beautiful.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

18. I Love You
To everyone, it just an ordinary and every day normal words to say.
To you, it might just be another three words with just only eight letters.
To me, it is very hard enough to express how much I feel about you.
As no word would be able to describe how much you mean to me.
When I tell you that “I Love You;” I am saying that my whole life revolves around you my love.
I am telling you that you’re my life, because for me to live is you.
I love you dearly, my one and only.
Good morning and have a great day.

19. My Dream Come True
You are all I dream of as you turned out to be all I have wanted and needed.
You always shield me against the cold and stormy weather.
I envisage you in all that I do and say, because you’re always in my mind.
Each and every day, the thoughts of you start and end my day.
Your presence comes along with unlimited happiness and joy unspeakable.
And I’m glad to have someone as special as you are my love.
I love you tenderly, sweetheart.
Good morning from me to you.

20. I Am Blessed
I woke up to the thoughts of you my angel, and my heart was filled with gratitude. Why? Because,
I am blessed to have someone as special as you are.
I am blessed to have someone as adorable as you are.
I am blessed to have you in my life.
I am blessed to have someone as caring as you are.
I am blessed to have someone as loving as you are.
I am blessed to have someone as understanding as you are.
And most importantly, I am blessed that you are mine.
You know that I love you right? Well I do.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

21. Better Half
I didn’t believe that I was incomplete, not until I met you, my dear.
You see, I always thought of myself as a complete being and don’t need someone else.
But, then you came along and added the flavour that my life was missing.
You completed the puzzle of my heart with your care and love.
You made me see life from another perspective and taught me that there is more to life than just existing.
I am grateful that I found you; would I be right to say, you found me?
I love you beyond the stars.
Good morning and have a great day.

22. Partner In Crime
Please, don’t freak out my love. Not in that crime you were actually thinking right now.
I mean partner in crime in a good way, because you and I equals an unbeatable team.
We have always taught each other how to be better and stronger in the midst of difficulties.
Whenever we are apart, I feel there’s a void in my heart. Each day seems so boring and dry without you, my dear.
You happened to be the partner whom got my back, because you know that, I will always do the same.
I love so much, my one and only.
Good morning from me to you.

23. Missing You
I miss you and your sweet voice.
I miss our conversations.
I miss talking with you at length.
I miss your smile and laughter.
I miss your beautiful face and pretty eyes.
I miss hearing how you spend your day.
I miss looking for your trouble.I miss cuddling with you.
In short, I miss everything about you.
I love you tenderly, my queen.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

24. Your Smile, My Medicine
I was admitted in a hospital, but the doctor said there was no prescriptions he could administered for me, because your smile is the best medicine for my heart, body and soul.
My dear, if hugs and kisses are medicines, I desire you would be nursing me 24hours a day and 7days a week.
Because, you are the best medicine that relieves me of every pains and aches; you are the song that my heart dance to.
And if I desire to live beautifully for long, I must stick with you forever, because your smile is the best medicine for my health and heart.
You’re indeed the best medicine for my heart, please heal my faint heart with all your affections.
I love you so much, my dearest.
Good morning and have a great day.

25. Stick With You
If I wish to achieve all my dreams and aspirations, I must stick with you always, my one and only.
If I desire to w
ake up each and every day with a heart full of gratitude, I must stick with you, my dear.
If I wish to go to sleep and have a peaceful night rest and sweetest dreams, I must stick with you, my love.
If I desire to have a great and awesome day for the rest of my life, I must stick with you always, my baby.
If I wish to hit the bed every night without the fear of what tomorrow brings, then I must stick with you, my inspiration.
And If I desire to live beautifully for long, I must stick with you forever, because you are the best thing that ever happened to me.
I love you beyond the stars, sweetheart.
Good morning from me to you.

26. A Night Without You
Staying apart from each other is getting so much harder to bear each and every day.
As the day comes and goes within a twinkle of an eye, I desire to spend the entire day with you alone.
Not getting to see you as much as I loved to, is becoming challenging every single day.
Sometimes, a night without you beside me feels almost unbearable.
I’m patiently waiting for the moment I will be waking up right next to you. I wish all your dreams come true.
I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

27. In My Dreams
You’re in my dreams each and every night, so that I am not apart from you for so long.
You’re in my dreams, so that I can always have a pleasant and peaceful night rest.
You’re in my dreams, because ever since you came into my life, you are all I dream of.
You’re in my dreams every time, as a dream about you is always dreamier.
And guess what?
You happened to be my dream come true, as you turned out to be all I dreamt of.
I love you to the moon and back.
Good morning and have a great day.

28. Essence Of My Life
You have charmed my life with your care and love.
You have added so much value to my life, as your love is the music that my heart dance to.
You have taught me how to become a better person and also a perfect gentleman.
You are worthy of all my attention and affection.
You are the source of my life as your love is the air that I breathe.
You are the essentiality of my whole being.
I love you beyond words my woman, my everything.
Good morning from me to you.

29. My World
The world around me have been so cruel, uncaring, boring, dry and unloving.
I have not been lucky enough in life, because I am always unlucky when it comes to love and relationship.
But something tremendous comes with you and your love and care for me.
Your presence brought peace of mind, happiness, laughter, joy and hope.
I started to feel better about myself and love life like never before, from the time you came into my world.
I am blessed to have someone as special as you are in my life.
I love you tenderly.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

30. Adorable Companion
You are the adoring and caring companion I always needed and cherished so much more.
You’ve added so much value and meaning to my life and I am honoured to be with you each and every day.
As your presence comes with unspeakable joy and unlimited happiness.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me in life, and you will always be the best for me.
You’re the most caring, diligent, loving and supportive woman that I have ever seen.
I love you beyond words, beautiful.
Good morning and have a great day.

31. My Promise
I promise to be there for you always, through the thick and thin of life.
I promise to be by your side during the cold and stormy weather.
I promise to respect, honour and cherish you till the end of time.
I promise to lighten the burdens of life by sharing it together with you.
I promise to always cherish every moment with you today and forever.
I promise to be a loving, caring and the best father to our children.
I promise to be a responsible father, a loving partner and a best friend to you.
I love you beyond the stars.
Good morning from me to you.

32. The One
You are the one who love me even when no one else would.
You are the one whom I treasure and trust the most as there is no one else like you.
You are the one whom I can count on always to be here for me to share the good and bad times together.
You are the one whom I can’t live without as your love is the air that I breathe.
You are the one whom I know always got my back and will always stand by me.
I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

33. I Am Blessed To Have You
Nothing can be greater than having a caring friend like you turn into a loving partner.
As I have always craved for the day I will wake up next to you and you will be in my arms as we spend quality time together.
You understand me; you care for me; you cherish everything about me and you love me like no other.
There is no man on this planet earth that wouldn’t love being with someone as beautiful as you are.
And I am blessed and thankful that you choose to be with me.
I love you so much, Beautiful.
Good morning and have a great day.

34. Be With Each Other
In every circumstance of life, we will always be with each other.
During the ups and downs in our journey on the paths of life, we will always be with each other.
In the face of the uncertainty of life and the stormy, windy and cold weather, we will always be with each other.
Even when the world is against us, we will always stick together and be there for each other.
We don’t need to lock up our feelings deep inside our hearts anymore, because we belong to each other now.
I love you to the moon and back, my princess.
Good morning from me to you.

35. Look Into My Eyes
I want you to look deep into my eyes and see how much I love and cherish you so much.
Allow my eyes to reveal to you the feelings that I have for you from the depth of my heart.
Though, I have tried to reveal it to you bit by bit, but there’s still a lot more in the pool of my heart for you, my love.
Many times, I might be so shy and quiet to speak it out to you how much you mean to me, and how honoured that I am to have someone as special as you are.
I vow to always cherish and love you with every breath in me till the end of time.
You know that I love you right? Well I do.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

36. To Love Is All
Love is a beautiful thing, because ever since you loved me, beautiful things has never cease to happen in my life.
With you in my life, there’s so much more to expect from life, because with you, life is full of expectancies.
The way you love and care for me gives my life a meaning and adds so much fun to it.
Because to be loved and cared for by you brings peace of mind, happiness, laughter, joy, forgiveness and understanding.
I want you to be sure of nothing but true affections and undivided attentions from me to you today and always.
I love you tenderly, sweetheart.
Good morning and have a great day.

37. Sour Turn Sweet
My life was sour and tasteless before I met you and you came into my life.
There was nothing special and unique about my life. I went back to sleep the same way I woke up.
Just like a meal without the right recipes and flavours is tasteless, so also was my life.
Distance between us lately made me realized that you mean so much to me, because not a day goes by without me yearning to see and hold you in my arms.
Not until we were distance apart that I realize missing someone as beautiful and special as you are is part of loving them.
Missing someone is bitter and sour, but missing someone l
ike you, my dear is sweet since it made me realize how blessed I am to have you in my life.
I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.
Good morning from me to you.

38. Short Of Words
If I say that I should write you a poetry to describe how much I love you, it wouldn’t be enough to describe my love for you.
If I decide to paint a picture to describe how beautiful is my love for you, it wouldn’t still be enough to explain how much I love you.
If I say that I should sing a song explaining how much you mean to me, still it wouldn’t be enough to describe the depth of my love for you.
A lot of poetry, pictures and songs couldn’t describe how much I have come to love you, but now I’m short of words as I am about to tell you how much I love you.
You mean so much more than words could express.
You mean the world to me and I wouldn’t know how to live a day beautifully well without someone as beautiful as you are.
I love you beyond words, my one and only.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

39. Love Of My Life
You are indeed the love of my life as you happen to love me like no one else would.
I wouldn’t know how to live without someone as beautiful and amazing as you are.
Someone that pushes me to never settle for less; to always soar higher each and every day and shows me the beauty in every single thing.
I can never find another person in the universe to replace you, my love, because you’re irreplaceable and a rare gem.
It’s my prayer that God keep on blessing us with each other’s presence and love.
I love you tenderly, my precious.
Good morning and have a great day.

40. Our Days
May all the rest of our days be filled with laughter and joy.
May our days be filled with happiness and peace of mind.
May our days be filled with gratitude and forgiveness.
May our days be filled with God’s favour, grace and blessings.
May our days be filled with all the amazing and beautiful things of life.
And may I continue to adore, care, respect, honour and love you till the end of time.
I love you dearly, my one and only.
Good morning from me to you.

41. Everyday
Each and every day that I reminisce about you and your love for me, I feel like I have everything one could wish for in life.
With you in my life, there’s basically nothing I can’t accomplish.
Each and every night I hit the bed with a grateful heart, because I am blessed to be blessed with someone as special and beautiful as you are.
Every morning, I wake up to the thoughts of the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me in life – You.
I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

42. You Are Great
I am blessed to have someone as special and great as you are.
The way you cherish and love me is great.
I am honoured that you choose to be with me despite seeing all my flaws and shortcomings.
The way you respect and honour and admire me is great.
I am glad that someone as beautiful and amazing as you are cares and loves me so much.
You’re indeed great and everything about you, my love is beautiful and great.
I love you beyond the stars.
Good morning and have a great day.

43. Route Of Love
Having someone like you beside me always inspires me to be better than whom I was yesterday.
With you by my side, I have what it takes to accomplish great things in life.
Having you here with me, gives me the strength to withstand every uncertainties of life that I may come across.
With you close by, it makes me feel rejuvenated of walking down the route that life places before me.
I believe that all the paths I walk with you beside me will be great ones.
As every steps with you will be the right ones towards joy unspeakable and unlimited happiness.
I love you so much, sweetheart.
Good morning from me to you.

44. Being Cherished By You
You always make me look at tomorrow with the certainty that happiness, joy and peace of mind is possible.
Because I can feel all the good virtues with just how you cherish and love me, and with a simple and gentle touch of your tender hands when you caress me.
Your love gives me the courage and strength to face every obstacles that life may throw at me on my path to greatness.
As we always find way out of every difficulties and circumstances of life together.
You’ve always convinced me that our love is filled with companionship, determination, trust and forgiveness.
And there’s nothing awesome than the feeling of being cherished and loved by someone as beautiful as you are.
I love you tenderly, my princess.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

45. Love Letter
You might be reminiscing about how strange it is to have receive a love letter from me.
But I want you to take it as a reassurance of my love for you, my love.
Since with you alone, I feels happy and relieved even when things are not going as planned.
I desire that we always stay and remain happy and joyous, even in the face of the uncertainty of life.
Please accept this letter as an affirmation of my undying, unconditional and unending love for you, my dear.
I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.
Good morning and have a great day.

46. Feeling Of Tenderness
There is always this feeling of tenderness and comeliness inside of me, even though you’re not within reach.
And I have this strong urge to express not only how awesome and beautiful it is to have someone as special as you are, but also to love and be loved by you.
With you I feel awesome, because to love and be loved by you is one of the best feelings that I have ever experienced in life.
I feel confident, excited and joyous each and every moment that I spent with you.
And I am blessed to be with you and I’m glad you chose to be with me either.
I love you beyond the stars, my love.
Good morning from me to you.

47. As Special As You
I want you to know without a doubt that even if you weren’t as beautiful as you are, I would still have fallen in love with your loving heart.
If you weren’t as sweet as you are, I would still cherish everything else about you, most especially your glowing smiling face.
Even if you weren’t as lovely as you are, I would still have love you and that your caring and adorable heart so much more.
It is an awesome feeling to have someone as special as you are, my love. To be cared for and loved by you.
You were, are and always the best thing that ever happened to me in life as you turned out to be the best thing that I ever had and will always have.
I love you so much, sweetheart.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

48. Sunshine In My Life
It’s so beautiful to be loved by someone as beautiful and special as you are.
The whole nature around me feels perfect, amazing and wonderful because you exists in my life and world.
Every time you are around, I feel peace which can only come from God through you. Peace the world itself can’t give.
If you weren’t as adorable as you are, I would still fall in love with you over and over again, because you are amazing and irreplaceable.
Even though you didn’t have all that physical endowment, it’s you I would still chose to fall in love with.
Because your kind is rare and your smile always brings sunshine to my life.
I love you to the moon and back, my precious.
Good morning and have a great day.

49. How I Look At You
See how time flies, it seem like yesterday when you came into my life but it has been 3 years now and still counting.
Even as time goes by, it hasn’t even made me for a second change how I feel nor look at you.
Rather, the urge to cherish and love you so much keeps waxing stronger than ever before each and every time I loo
k into your pretty eyes.
Your presence comes with unspeakable joy, peace of mind, happiness, laughter, forgiveness and love.
And I’m glad to have someone as special as you are, my dearest, as my greatest happiness would be to share every moment of my life with you.
I love you dearly, beautiful.
Good morning from me to you.

50. Always In My Heart
The feelings that come with having you in my heart, knows no bound as you’re close to me all through the day.
I don’t get to be missing you so much more than ever before because you’re always with me – in my heart now – even when we are distance apart from each other.
You’re always in my thoughts; I hit the bed every night with the thought of you, just as I woke up each and every morning with the thought of you too.
You always feed my heart with your care and love, because happiness and love are within reach whenever you are close to me.
It’s must have been grace that brought you to me and I’m blessed to have someone as beautiful as you are.
I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.
So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

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