Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend on His Birthday

The right words to the right person will only have one effect. And that is warmth, joy, thankfulness, happiness, and a desire for more.

This is why you need to use the right words for your boyfriend especially on his birthday.

Just in case you aren’t certain, you’ll not just get his attention and have him smiling all through today, you’ll be wishing him an amazing year ahead.

So, to make that quite easy, below are cute things to say to your boyfriend on his birthday.

Dive in already!

I won’t stop showering you with gifts in this new year. You’ve earned all of them for being a kind and gentleman. Over time, you have shown me love beyond measure and I wish you the best this day. Happy birthday, my sweet boyfriend.

1. I have so many good memories because of you. Thank you for coming into my life, and thank you for being a really decent and kind person. Happy birthday to the love of my life.

2. You’re the man for me. I don’t care what the world says. I don’t care what the current situation is saying. You are the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. Happy birthday, sugar.

3. What would I do without you? Like literally nothing! Welcome to your year of amazing blessings, babe.

4. I love looking at you. You’re like my best view ever! Cheers to an amazing new year for you. Happy birthday.

5. You make me feel like I belong. Thank you for loving me the way you do. I’m never taking you for granted. Happy birthday, babe.

6. There’s no running around in circles with you. I know my place with you, and I’m not scared of the future together. Happy birthday, babe. You’re definitely the best man I could have ever asked for.

7. You better be my boyfriend in our next life because I refuse that another lady enjoys all of the sweetness I’m currently enjoying. Happy birthday!

8. This year, go in with the abundance mindset. You will definitely conquer everything on your path! Happy birthday, sweet!

9. I know to be patient with you because we have a lifetime to spend together. Happy birthday, sugar daddy!

10. I love our love. I love how you put me first. And I am so looking forward to the years ahead of us. Happy birthday, babe. May God be kind to you this year.

11. Can we cuddle all night? Of course, after we’ve partied at your adding another year today. Happy birthday, baby.

12. You’re even sweeter than chocolate. Because see how you make everything feel better. Happy birthday, bear. I love you!

13. It may come across as desperate. But it’s honestly the truth when I say that you’re my life. Happy birthday, love. May God bless you massively this year.

14. You’ve got to be the hottest and kindest man alive! And I’m so glad that you’re mine. Happy birthday, babe. It’s already a beautiful year for you.

15. You’re all shades of sweet. That’s why I could never regret being with you. Happy birthday to the love of my life!

16. I love you, babe. And I’ll say it a thousand times while we make love this night. Happy birthday!

17. I’m not a phone call person. But with you, I always look forward to long calls and giggles. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

I definitely feel more than butterflies in my tummy when I’m with you. It’s always like heaven on earth that I never want to recover from. Best wishes for you this day. Happy birthday, babe. You rock!

18. You’re really good for me, (insert boyfriend’s name). Never doubt it. And I’m walking this journey with you the whole way. Happy birthday, sugar.

19. Nothing is coming between us. I’m not going to let it happen. Happy birthday, babe. Cheers to the good year!

20. I know that things aren’t that good between us, but I’ll always be here if you need me. Happy birthday, honey.

21. You make my heart race. And I never want to stop feeling this way. Happy birthday, baby daddy. You’ll make progress in all your doings this year.

22. This year, I hope that I look out for you as much as you do for me. Happy birthday, love of my life.

23. Everything counts with you. Thank you for helping me appreciate both the big and small moments. I really cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Happy birthday, love.

24. You are good for me. And I won’t stop taking your love in big doses. Happy birthday to the man of my dreams.

25. Feel free to make as many wishes as you’d like today. In this new year, you won’t be selfish to ask for more. Happy birthday, boyfriend.

26. You are my favourite view, any time, any day. Happy birthday, love. You rock!

27. I love to look at you. I honestly can spend all day just staring at you, and admiring the handiwork of God. Happy birthday, love. May you experience beauty and sweetness like never before.

28. I’ll always hold your hands. Whenever you look around, you’ll always find me too. Happy birthday, my king.

29. The way I love you is crazy! And I’m actually looking forward to loving you more. Happy birthday, my love.

30. My heart beats for you alone. And I promise eternal stability by your side. Happy birthday, honey. I’m always in your corner!

31. I already reserved seats at our favourite restaurant. Today, and every other day, my focus is just going to be on you. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

32. A lot of people don’t understand you, but I love you all the same. Cheers to being different and making a difference. Happy birthday, love.

33. This version of you isn’t all there is to you. I know you’re evolving, and I can’t wait for the many blessings ahead. Happy birthday, sweet.

34. Guess my favourite sound in the entire world. Your voice! Happy birthday, sweetie. This year will come with all you hope for.

Yesterday, I had a lot I’d planned to say today. But now, I’m just speechless because I can’t even begin to describe the happiness and peace you bring me. Happy birthday, babe. Just know that I’ll continually fight for you!

35. Thank you for being genuine. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is. Happy birthday, boyfriend.

36. There’s nothing about us that I regret. You’re the one I’ll be wanting years from now. Happy birthday, sweet.

37. I’m glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m really giddy with happiness. Happy birthday, honey.

38. I just want you to always smile this year. I just want this year to be even better than you’ve imagined. Happy birthday, love.

39. When it comes to us, I’m never going to quit. I’m going to keep fighting for us. Welcome to your new year, babe. I love you.

40. Your light is going to shine so bright this year. The world will not be able to comprehend it. Happy birthday, love!

41. With you, it’s always like I’m in heaven. May this new year bring you happy things only. Cheers to the new year!

42. I’m glad that I got to love you in this life. It’s one of the most important things I’ve ever done in my life. Happy birthday, baby.

43. I’ll always be true to you. I promise you this. Cheers to the new year, boyfriend. I love you with all of me.

44. You’re doing a really good job with your life. You’re doing a really good job with us as well. May you enjoy multiple rewards in your new year. Happy birthday, babe.

45. I love that I waited patiently for you. I’m especially grateful for it. If not, how would I have ended up with the best man in the entire world? Happy birthday, my baby.

46. I glow because of you. I’m my happiest because I get to date a kind man like you. It’s definitely going to be a beautiful year for you. Happy birthday, my dear.

47. You’re free to dream as wild as you want. The universe will surely give an answer to all your desires. Cheers to a new year!

48. You’ve given me nothing but bliss since we started. And I’m hoping that the universe gives you back the same energy. Happy birthday, pumpkin.

49. If loving you was a job, rest assured that I wouldn’t quit in this life or the next. Happy birthday, my king.

50. You’re the most intelligent person that I know of. May good things truly abound for you in your new year. Cheers, love.

51. I choose you, now and always. Regardless of hard situations. Regardless of the fights that are normal. Happy birthday, my prince.

52. I love that you have a good sense of direction. I have no doubt that it will lead you to good things this year. Happy birthday!

53. You don’t back down without a fight. This is how I know that God will crown all your efforts with success. Happy birthday, love.

54. Thank you for always taking responsibility. It’s what I love the most about you. And I have no doubt that you’re about to hit big things this year. Happy birthday.

There was never a doubt that you’d be my boyfriend. Now, I ask that you get all the blessings and favour needed to make our lives even more beautiful. Happy birthday, babe.

55. What I feel for you is overwhelming. And, heavens know that I never want to stop feeling it. Happy birthday, boo.

56. Even the little things you do leave me giddy with joy. You’re truly an incredible man. I pray for more of God’s blessings for you this year. Happy birthday, baby.

57. You’re always making concessions for us. You’re like the best boyfriend ever! Happy birthday, love. Live long and prosper.

58. I see all the sacrifices you make for me, and I’m grateful for every one of them. May God bless you real good this year. Happy birthday, sweet.

59. I might know you to an extent, but I really want to get to know you better this year. This means that I’m not getting over you any time soon. Happy birthday, love.

60. I have only prayers in my heart for you today. Happy birthday, my love. Welcome to your year of answered prayers.

61. Thoughts of you warm my heart always. This is going to definitely be your year of warmth. Happy birthday, sweetie.

62. Can I take you to my parents already? Because you’re just sweet all-around! Happy birthday, babe. You’ll do even greater things this year.

63. Surprised? Well, I still have more of that for you today. Happy birthday, my king. You rock!

64. You’re going to be favoured like never before this year. This is your year of progress! Happy birthday, love.

65. You’re such an amazing man, you know. I’m grateful for you always. May God’s eyes never leave you for a moment this year. Happy birthday, sweet.

66. I see things turning around for your good already. You’re going to see your blessings play out like never before. Happy birthday, love.

67. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up from it. I want to continually be held in your arms. Happy birthday, best boyfriend in the entire world.

68. I honestly don’t want to imagine my life without you in it. That is why you must live long and stay healthy. Happy birthday, babe.

Three years later, you’re still the only man that gets my heart racing. Cheers to the most amazing year you’ll yet have. Happy birthday, love. I am saying I love you very much. Have a blast!

69. You once told me that you loved hard. I didn’t understand it then, but I do now. Because you’ve loved all the hurt away from my heart. Happy birthday, my prince.

70. You’re a source that is always giving. In this new year, may you never run dry. Happy birthday, my baby.

71. Know that you’re stuck with me in this life and the next. Happy birthday, boo. You rock!

72. Your worth for me is not tied to anything material. My love for you transcends material things. Welcome to a new year, my prince.

73. There are things I prize more than money. Things like respect, love and dignity. And those are the things you’ve given me. Happy birthday, my love.

74. Kissing or hugging you, I can’t seem to decide which I love more. After our celebratory dinner tonight, I’m comparing both all night long. Cheers to the new year, babe.

75. You make me feel finer than Beyonce. And that is a big deal! Happy birthday, baby daddy. It’s your year of beautiful and amazing testimonies.

76. I love your confidence. I love how you can recognize and act on opportunities. I’ve become an all-around better person since you came into my life. Welcome to your year of more opportunities, love!

77. See the double celebration that came with today! There’s no doubt now that you’ll do great this year. Happy birthday, my heartbeat.

78. You’re a great confidante. And I never regret trusting my secrets with you. Welcome to a year of new beginnings!

79. Actually, you’re my only sunshine. I’m ready for your many victories this year. Cheers to the new year!

80. Knowing that I get to hug you at the end of a long day, just leaves me with an amazing feeling. Happy birthday, babe. You’re literally my peace!

81. In a thousand dreams, I never thought I’d get all I ever dreamed of. Thank you for being you. Thank God for your new year. It’s already a beautiful one.

82. See how glad I am that you’re both my lover and best friend. I got double blessings, please! Happy birthday, king. You rock!

83. I’m looking forward to loud noises and more parties with you this year. Happy birthday, partner. You’re the best!

84. Others aside, you’re continually my first choice. Welcome to your year of possibilities, babe. Happy birthday.

85. You’re much sweeter than vanilla. And I don’t see myself getting over you in this life. Happy birthday, love.

You’re the best I’ve had in my entire life, and I best believe I’ll hold on to us forever. Welcome to a new year, boyfriend. May it be beautiful and rosy for you. Love you!

86. Life will come with its ups and downs. But I trust that you’ll triumph over everything. Happy birthday, boyfriend.

87. There’s actually nobody finer than you, babe. As you celebrate another year, I wish you all of God’s choicest blessings. Happy birthday, babe.

88. You give life to everything you touch. I’m honestly rooting for you because I’m certain of the great strides you’ll make. Happy birthday, boyfriend.

89. You’re my better half, the only one I want to do forever with. Happy birthday, love of my life. It’s going to be a great year for you.

90. There are no half measures with you. Thank you for always going all out for the people you care about. May this new year bring you blessings, good news and massive opportunities. Happy birthday, babe.

91. I love having you by my side. And I pray that the years ahead will come with loads of blessings and good news for us all. Happy birthday, baby daddy.

92. I’m amazed by your doggedness most time. You’re just persistent, consistent and hard-working. No doubt, this year will come with many results for you. Happy birthday, love.

93. I have so much faith in you. And even though things don’t seem to be working fine now, everything is working out for your good eventually. Happy birthday, boyfriend.

94. For every dream I have about the future, you’re in all of them. Happy birthday, baby. There’s no doubt that this year will be a good one for you.

95. Whenever we have children, I want them to have your heart. You’re an incredibly amazing person. And I pray that only incredible things will happen for you this year. Happy birthday, love.

96. I know that everything seems shaky now. But I need you to believe that you’re going to finish well! Happy birthday, lover.

97. Happy birthday, baby. I can’t wait to share the best things of life with you. I love you so much.

98. I’m beginning to believe in fate. It brought you to me after all. Happy birthday, boyfriend. It’s going to be a beautiful year.

99. This year and beyond, the Lord will keep and provide for you. It’ll be your best one yet. Happy birthday, love.

100. You’ll make progress on all sides. Your going out and coming in will bring you amazing results. Happy birthday, love.

I believe you have gotten the right things to say to your boyfriend on his birthday. With these warm wishes for your boyfriend’s special day, he will have thoughts of you on his mind all day!

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Thank you!

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