Dance First Think Later Quotes

Sometimes, you notice that you think too much. You may find that things aren’t going your way when you get into a rut, or you’re just having an off day, and you need to remind yourself to have fun. A little dance can do wonders for your brain and outlook on life. The power of dance can cure ailments of the physical body and also those in the mental by taking your mind off anything that needs not be on your mind. 

Dance liberates the body and soothes the soul, creating a feeling of well-being and freedom. Just the act of dancing will energise your soul and uplift your mind. When you think about it, getting carried away is a pretty cool sensation. When you dance first and think later, your body feels free as a bird, and all worries get tossed aside, replaced by an exhilarating feeling of pure enjoyment. 

Do you believe that dancing and throwing away your inhibitions help your life? Then this collection of dance first think later quotes below are great for you to read and use. It’s a message of liberation.

Dance first, think later. You may not be too good at thinking, but you are very good at moving. You’ll always have time to think about what’s next with dance. Plus, the best dance moves are the ones that come naturally. So, dance, laugh and live life to the fullest. 

1. Dance first, think later.  Your body will always know what it wants to do, but your mind has to catch up—no time to waste on thinking. If you dance, you don’t have to think. If you think you won’t dance.

2. Dance first, think later—dance before you get old and think later. Life is happening right now. Dance, laugh and live it. You never know what you’re missing until you try something new.

3. Dance first. Think later. Live today because thinking is hard, but dancing is fun and easy. Dancing is the music of love. 

4. Dance first, think later. Dance and think simultaneously – that’s the best form of thinking. 

5. Dance first and think later. You will have more fun and have more energy when you dance! When you dance, you have to be free. When you think, you have to be true. When you are, then you are dancing.

6. Dance first, think later. You might not have time to think about what you are doing when you are dancing, but during a concert or party, it is important to smile and dance and laugh and enjoy so your face is ready for a photograph at the end.

7. Dance first, think later and always stay true to yourself! The world will be better when you’re dancing in it and never forget to have fun!

8. Dance first, think later. And what you dance or perform is best after hours when your soul is clean and clear. Dancers love to dance. Thinkers love to think about what they see. The two become one when you put them together.

9. The key to a happy life: Dance first, think later. You don’t need a reason to dance. Just do it. Dance, love and live with no regrets.

10. Dance is like a miniature express train. You move in the same direction but at a different speed. Life is a dance, not a race. It’s always best to be graceful and bring energy to the moment rather than trying to rush it.

11. Dance first, think later. Dance first, think nothing at all. We all know that the mind is only active while it is thinking. The creative process begins with thought and action, followed by rest until something is done. Always find your centre before you begin to dance!

12. Imagine a future full of possibilities and make it happen. Everyone needs a little dance in their life. It’s not about the steps but the way you feel after. Dance first, think later.

13. Dance first, think later. Live in the moment, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Dance doesn’t just happen, it’s being intentional, and you have to be in the moment.

14. The first step is to move your feet. The second step is to think about it, and the third is to make it happen. Don’t regret what you’ve done, but often the things you have not.

15. Dance first, think later. Dancing is the easiest way to forget all your problems. Stay in the moment and dance.

16. Dance first, think later, and dance last, but dance anyway. If you dance first, think later. You might never get to think at all.

17. Dance first, think later. But never forget that dance is a language of movement, expression, and emotion. You never know your strength until being strong is your only option.

18. Dance first and think later. If you wait till the last minute, you’ll never get started! The best way to dance is without thinking about what you’re doing. The only time you think is when you don’t dance.

19. Don’t be scared to dance, don’t be shy. It’s okay to ditch your inhibitions; dance first and thinks later. If you don’t dance, you’ll never have a reason to. If you don’t think, you won’t make any mistakes. And if you don’t smile, they can’t take it away when it’s gone.

20. When you dance, you don’t think about what’s in your way. You move forward to the next step. When you dance, your body feels free. When you think, your mind becomes clear.

21. Dance first, think later. There’s no time like the present. It’s the perfect way to get your mind off of it all. Make your life count! Dance or not to that tune, just dance.

22. Dance first, think later. Just get on your feet and let loose. The only thing that matters is the feeling at the end of the night, the moment you are connected to your body and expression.

23. Dance first, think. Later. Please don’t rush the process of personal growth, and don’t think that you need to have it all figured out before you actually begin dancing; dance first with everything you have and then slowly grow into your journey as you discover more about yourself.

24. Dance first. Think later. Stay focused on the process, and take it one step at a time. Be healthy, happy, and beautiful, but don’t be afraid to think about what you are dancing to. 

25. We’re all thinking of dancing. We’re all feeling the music in our heads. We’re preparing our bodies to move, but we don’t take the time to think about what we want or why we want it.

26. You don’t have to be the best, but you have to dance first. Think later. Life is better when you dance- because life is too short to think so hard.

27. Dance first, think later. The only thing that matters is shaking your hips without care. Dance with joy and forget all the rest

28. Dance first: think later. Work hard to show everyone what you can do, and never stop growing, even when it’s tough.

29. A movement is not only a physical endeavour; it endeavours a creative one. Nothing can happen unless someone dances first and then think about it later.

30. Life is a dance, and you should be dancing. Dance your way to success. The best dance is where you first fall and then are picked up again. Could you do your best, think about it later?

31. Dance first, think later. You will never regret a moment of dancing if you have fun while doing it! Let’s dance, laugh, and live our lives at the moment.

32. Life is a dance. We do all the steps, but the most important thing is to have fun!

33 Life is a series of dances. The best thing you can do is pour yourself into it, enjoy the fun and forget about trying to get it right.

34. The words and dance are important parts of a performance, but they shouldn’t take precedence over the steps.

35. Working out is fun, but dancing is funner. You don’t have to be famous to enjoy life, dance first and think later!

36. Dance first, think later. You’ll never regret this moment in time; right now, that is all that matters. Dance your way to the best life ever.

37. Dance first and think later. Dance with your eyes closed. Be the first one dancing and the last one thinking, because everything is perfect when you dance and think simultaneously.

38. When we dance, we forget everything and everyone. Dance is the only thing that gives you wings! You can dance on tables, but it’s the move that matters.

39. When the music stops, so do you. Dance first, think later. You’ll have plenty of time to think after you’ve moved your body.

40. Don’t think; dance. Dance first, think later. That’s the secret of life. Let your body move without restraint, and your mind will follow.

41. Life is too short to dance first. Life is too long to think last. You can’t dance without music. You can’t think without a brain. So, dance and don’t think!

42. The first step is to dance. The second is to smile. Dance, do what you love. Think before you jump into something. Think about the future.

43. A dance is the best excuse to do cartwheels and prance around. Dance first, think later. 

44. Dance first, think later. Exciting things are on their way. When dancing, it’s all about the feeling. Practice makes perfect, but a good feeling is better than any technique. 

45. You were born to dance; you were born to move. Dance, first. Afterwards, think. You’ll be an old fool if you don’t.

46. Dance first, think later. Dance is to move and express ourselves freely, with abandon & joy. Dance as if no one is watching you—dance for yourself.

47. Dance first, think later. Don’t be afraid to let loose and have fun. Dance is the best way to let your worries go!

48. Dance first; think later because it’s too late to change what you did. Dance to the beat of your heart, not the rhythm of the crowd.

49. Dance first, think later. That’s the way to success. Your moves will only make you stronger. You don’t need to be a dancer to dance with joy.

50. Dance first before you think; then, you will always have time to think.

These dance first think later quotes apply to all aspects of life. It’s ultimately about not thinking too much and simply dancing. It’s a message of liberation and letting go. In design, it is critically important to do and create without second-guessing yourself. I found these quotes to be powerful in that respect and many others. I hope this will inspire some of you to dance first and think later. If you like this post, please don’t forget to share it with your friends. 

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