Decomposition of the Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Foreign Investment

Decomposition of the Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Foreign Investment


The study examines the effect of exchange rate volatility on foreign investment in Nigeria for a period of 35 years (1981 to 2015).

The data gathered for this study is a secondary time series data and a linear model was estimated using the OLS estimation technique.

The study revealed that exchange rate volatility had a positive and significant effect on foreign direct investment in Nigeria.

Based on the finding of this study, it is recommended that there is need to minimize exchange rate volatility and to keep exchange rates stable.


Given the central role of exchange rate in an economy generally, and its importance to international trade and investment in particular, the national government has increasingly felt the impact of this volatility on their own policies towards the achievement of macroeconomic objectives (Chukwudi and Madueme, 2010).

It comes with no surprise why there has been an increasing research into the behavioural pattern of exchange in most economy of the world.

In many emerging economies, foreign capital plays an important role in infrastructure development, technological advancement and productivity enhancement (Ullah, Haider and Azim, 2012).

Exchange rate volatility refers to the erratic fluctuation in exchange rate, occurring during periods of domestic currency appreciation or depreciation.

Exchange volatility has acquired a special interest in the research works on international trade and investment.

Exchange rate changes may lead to a major decline in future output if they are unpredictable and erratic. The exchange rate is therefore an important relative price as it has influence on the external competitiveness of the domestic economy.


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