According to  Bowen  in D.N  divvied,  (2008) ,social  responsibility “refers to the obligation of business men to  pursue  those polices, to make those  decisions  or  to follow  those  lines of  action which are desirable  in terms of the objectives  and value of our  society” Davies and Blonstrom, (1975)  defined social responsibility as the  obligation  of  the decision maker  to take action which protect and improve the welfare  of society as a whole along with  their  own  interest.

Dwivedi, (2008)  held’s that social responsibility  are  for  different  section of  the society  which businessmen  have  to justify in  their differentiated ways. When he said “therefore, social responsibility of businessmen have to be different for different section of the society.  The sections of the society here are:

In  the words of Ama  and Okafor, (2002). Social l responsibility  they  say  “it is a blend of  long run profit – making and altruism a search for monetary reward  tempered  by a social conscience and a  sincere consideration for the environment  in which the  search is conducted” they  finally concluded that it  build up unadulterated  co-existence  between companies and host  communities.

 Social responsibility of private company sings the chorus of what the company should do for the society as a whole without instructing them to do so. That  means  that the  business own the society  the obligation of assisting in the promoting,  and improving  normalcy in the society  and the societal welfare. It  refers  to those , extra services  agreed by the  decision  maker of   a company to be rendered for  that segment   of communities  which they  operates for the  societal welfare and of  company.

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