Deployment Quotes for Military Wife

Deployment of a spouse who is a member of the armed forces can be one of the most sacrificial and hardest parts of marital life. Facing the unknown, worrying about leaving loved ones behind, and being deployed to a new location thousands of miles away from home can be difficult for anyone.

Such deployment is difficult for any military family, particularly the spouse and children of deployed service members. The other spouse is often called upon to fill the role of both husband and father when their wives are deployed. The husband takes on many responsibilities he might not have had prior to his wife’s deployment.

As a result, when the news that a military wife has been deployed breaks, many different emotions can flood the mind of the husband at once.  Being prepared for these emotions can help you deal with deployment when it does happen. Let these deployment quotes for military wife help you deal with those emotions and keep you connected with your spouse. Check them out.

Deployments can be difficult on many levels: emotionally, financially, and physically. While there are many things you can do to prepare yourself for your spouse’s deployment, it doesn’t make it any easier when it actually happens. Nevertheless, husbands have a unique role in supporting their wives and being there for them no matter the circumstances.

1. Remember that I’m always here, no matter where you are deployed. I’ll be thinking of you every second and every minute until you’re back in my arms, dear wife. It will be soon. I promise.

2. Wifey, as you’re being deployed, my love for you will follow you wherever you go. You are my everything, and I just can’t wait for your safe return.

3. My heart is heavy as you are being deployed to the front lines. I just want you to know that everything will be okay. Before we part, I want to tell you how much I love you. You are my everything.

4. I love you so much. Time will go on, and I will ensure everything is okay even as you begin your deployment. You mean the world to me.

5. As you head to war, I must tell you how much I love you. You have always been my everything.

6. It breaks my heart to see you leave on deployment . I wish we had more time together before having to say goodbye. Know that I love you and am doing this to keep you safe.

7. I’m sorry to hear that you must go away on deployment for a while. I wanted you to know that my love for you is one of the most important things in this world. I will miss you, and I’ll call as soon as possible. Be strong!

8. I feel your pain and sadness as you are being deployed, but this is something you must do. Please stay strong while I’m away. I promise to call as soon as I can. In the meantime, know that you’re on my mind.

9. I know this deployment will be hard, but you’ll be back as soon as possible. I know that in the meantime, you have to keep all of us in your heart. I love you so much and will always be there for you. Be strong!

10. Sorry to hear of your deployment so soon after the last one. I love you so much. I don’t want to see you hurting, but know that I am here for you if you do. You are strong and capable, and I’m proud of you no matter what. Just keep moving forward.

11. I know this new military deployment is difficult, and I wanted to let you know that you’re in my thoughts. I love you and I’ll be there for you as soon as possible. You’re not alone.

12. I’m so sorry my beloved military wife. I wish I could be with you on your deployment. I will return as soon as possible, and we can look at our beautiful lake together again.

13. This is hard, but I will always be here for you. It’s a promise that I can keep. Every day that we are apart, I will think of you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, and I will never forget it.

14. This goodbye is so hard. I’m terrified that I’ll never see you again. I know this will be difficult for you too, but we can make it through this together. Please know that my only regret is to say goodbye to you and the children. I will always love you.

15. I know how hard it is to say goodbye. We’ve been together so long, and you’ve taught me so much along the way. Time flies by when we’re together and slows still when we’re apart. I will always be there for you. Even though I’m about to leave, I’ll be just a phone call away.

16. It breaks my heart to leave you, but I have an obligation to fulfil. You are my person, and I will return to us as soon as possible.

17. I’m so sorry to leave without saying goodbye, but it’s an obligation I have to honour. You’re my person, and I promise to write as soon as I can.

18. My heart is breaking as I write this. I’m so sorry to leave you, but I must fulfil my destiny. You are the love of my life, and I will return and marry you as soon as possible.

19. You will always be my person, and I promise I will return to you as soon as possible.

20. Leaving you is hard, but I made a commitment I must follow through on. You are so important to me. I will come back to you as soon as possible.

21. I know it is hard for both of us that I must be apart from you, but I will return. You are my person, and my love for you will never change.

22. I know this is hard, sweetheart. I don’t want to go either, but it’s my duty. I love you so much, and I’ll be back soon.

23. I may be leaving, but you and I are forever. You are my person, and I miss you already.

24. I’m going to miss you. I’ll be thinking of you while I’m away, and there is nothing that can keep me from coming back to you. I love you.

25. My deepest sympathies go out to you. I want to let you know that I am here for you. Please take care of yourself and your family during this hard time.

26. I am pleased to inform you that I have safely arrived at my new station. The future seems bleak, but I will call you again when I get a chance. You are the moon and stars in my night sky.

27. I’ll be thinking about you when I’m deployed. I’ll be crying for you, writing for you, and coming home to you in my dreams. I miss our time together.

28. I spend every day thinking about you and eagerly anticipating the day when I can finally return. Your absence weighs heavily on me, and I miss our time together. Sometimes when I close my eyes, I feel like you are right next to me, holding my hand.

29. It’s hard being away from the one you love. You’ve shown me that you care. Please write me a letter when you have time. I would love to hear from you again soon!

30. It’s hard being away from you. I think of you when I sleep and when I write. I’ll be home before you know it, and things will be just as we wanted them to be.

31. I’m also thinking about you. Every day without you, it feels as if I can count every heartbeat. I know my feelings are real because they are too much to handle.

32. It’s hard to be away from you, but I remind myself we’re doing this for our country. Thank you for your support and love.

33. Promise me you’ll keep your chin up, baby. I know it hurts, but this is all temporary. I’ll soon be home, darling. I’m coming to hold you in my arms and make all this pain disappear.

34. I know how much it hurts to be away from each other. I want this to end so we can be together again. There is nothing more difficult than being separated by war.

35. I wanted to let you know that I love you, and although I will be going to a dangerous place, I promise you that I’ll return home safely.

36. I wanted to let you know that I love you, and although I’m going to war where it can be dangerous, I promise you that I will return safely.

37. I know how much you’ll miss me. I just wanted to let you know that I love you and that I’ll return home safely no matter what happens.

38. I love you and will do everything possible to return home safely. I have to go because it’s my job, but I’ll be thinking about you the whole time. Wait up for me.

39. I will be going to a dangerous place, and although it is a risk, I love you too much not to take the chance.

40. You are what matters to me the most and I’m sorry you have to go through this. I promise to be careful and return home safe and sound.

41. I understand how you might feel given this situation, and I will do my best to make sure I return home safely.

42. I know you will miss me when I’m gone. Please forgive me for leaving so soon. When I return, we promise I’ll spend more time with you if it is okay with you.

43. I’ll be thinking of you from overseas and can’t wait to return home safe and sound. I love you so much.

44. I’ll never know how hard it is for you to let me go, but please know that if something happens to me, I’ll be able to take comfort in the fact that you are the last thing I have thought about.

45. I hope my absence will not be too difficult for you and we will see each other again soon.

46. I just wanted to share how much I love you and how excited I am to take this new journey. Although the roads may have many twists and turns, I know it will lead me to find a deeper appreciation for life with you.

47. I will always love you. The distance between us can’t make that change. I will be with you whenever you need me by your side.

48. While you’re away, this distance keeps us apart, but in my heart, you’ll always be here with me.

49. This is a difficult time for you, and I know the distance will strain our relationship. Every day I miss you more, and it makes me sad to be apart, but please remember how much I love you.

50. I know you’re worried about going, but I want to do my bit. I won’t be brave without you; I need your love. I pray you’ll come back safe. Until then, you are loved.

Recognizing that deployments can be incredibly difficult is the first step in being able to offer help through this time truly. Thanks for going through these deployment quotes for military wife. Your comment is highly welcome, and also feel free to share them.

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