Design and Implementation of a Collaborative and File Management System

Design and Implementation of a Collaborative and File Management System

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Collaborative work and file management is one of the major functions in any organization. According to the Collins English dictionary, 11th edition, collaboration entails working together to achieve a common goal. It is a recursive process where two or more people or organizations work together in order to realize shared goals.

Traditionally, team members have to be within the same space in order to effectively work together towards achieving desired goals thus making distance and individual location a tradeoff for the growth of a project’s development.

In essence, if a potential member of a project team happens to be in a different geographic location, the project would automatically be on hold pending his return. This is not ideal with respect to the collaborative development of a project.

Statement of the problem

In the course of our research, we discovered that the rate at which the development of shared goal is dependent on the availability of the team members; when a potential team member is not within the same space with other team members, the project development slows down.

More so it was discovered that most system users still depend solely on their system’s immediate memory for file processing and management. All these findings have led to various inadequacies which include the fact that

  • Project team members need to be in the same space to work together thus creating redundancy in project development.
  • While using an online browser based application as a solution to the above problem, team members might find themselves in a location devoid of access to computer system and as such making collaboration at that particularly time impossible.
  • Most mobile device memory used for file management are prone to viral attack, theft, system crash, damage etc. and also have inadequate memory space for managing these data.


Collins English Dictionary 11th Edition and Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, International Students Edition; Definition of collaboration.

Raov S. Ngeswara R. & Kumari E., (2009). Cloud Computing: An overview . Journanal of Theoretical and Applied Information technology (JATIT).


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