Design and Implementation of a Pharmacy Management System

Design and Implementation of a Pharmacy Management System

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This project is insight into the design and implementation of a Pharmacy Management System. The primary aim of is to improve accuracy and enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store.

Today management is one of the most essential features of all form. Management provides sophistication to perform any kind of task in a particular form.

This is pharmacy management system; it is used to manage most pharmacy related activities in the pharmacy.


Pharmacy management system is a management system that is designed to improve accuracy and to enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store.

It is a computer based system which helps the Pharmacist to improve inventory management, cost, medical safety etc.

The system allows the user to enter a manufacturing and expiry date for a particular product or drug during opening stock and sales transaction.

The system will also give report showing the list of products expiry after a specified date before the product eventually expires.

It also involves manual entry upon arrival of new batches of drugs and upon drug movement out of the pharmacy for a certain period,

e.g. every month, the pharmacist may want to generate report for the movement of drugs in and out of the pharmacy, getting information about the drugs e.g. expiry date, date purchased, number of drug type left, location of a drug in the pharmacy.


Barbara Griggs. Green Pharmacy: The History and Evolution of Western Herbal Medicine, Second Edition. Viking press, (1982). Pg 93-97.

Charles E. Rosenberg, Morris J. Vogel. The Therapeutic Revolution: Essays in the social history of American Medicine, Second Edition. University of Pennsylvania press, (1979). Pg 174.

Peter G Homan, Briony Hudson, Raymond C Row. Popular Medicines: An illustrated

Leslie G. Mathews. History of Pharmacy in Britain. Edinburgh, E&S. Livingstone(1962). Pg 213-223.

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