Design and Implementation Of A Sales Management System

Design and Implementation Of A Sales Management System.


The study is based on the main objective of; the Design, Documentation and Implementation of sales management system.

Therefore, the chapter one explains the background of study, problem statement, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, scope and the significance of the study.

The methodology part which is chapter three explains and illustrates how the researcher obtained information that helped in developing the system and defines how researcher designed and implements the proposed system. Information was obtained through the various research methods.

This chapter provides a description of the different techniques that were employed not only to understand the business process but also to provide a foundation for developing the proposed sales management system for manages sales records and perform task for sales anywhere, anytime.


This chapter explains the background, problem statement, purpose, objectives, scope and the significance of the study.

Computer plays a vital role in our society in today’s generation. We use computers nowadays to make our work easier and to save more time.

Almost all fields or establishments use computer for easy and convenient way of doing their transactions, like convenient stores, malls, restaurants, hospitals, hotels and etc. Yet, there are still establishments that are practicing manual operations because they don’t use computers to operate.


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