Design and Implementation of a Staff Management System

Design and Implementation of a Staff Management System.

Table of Contents


The  Staff  Management  System which entails the building of a system to help the Administrators of the Office of the Secretary to the State Government (OSSG) to effectively manage employee information originally stored in the paper which had a  mixture of smooth progress and setbacks.

During this work, the researcher had studied the existing system by looking at flats files containing Staff Information and asking questions on what they wanted to do with the content of the flat files and how this information was helpful for their work.  All this information made it easier to understand the conceptual design of the system.

Looking at the hard copy of the files like the individual employee form gave an idea on how to design the individual employee information report.  Data from files were readily available for use in testing some objects of the application.

The Staff Management application has helped the human resources to avoid some of the drawbacks of the flat files system like consistency and security of employee information.

Strategic reports like the employee retirement forecast will help management to plan for new employees well ahead of time


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