Design and Implementation of a Virtual E-Learning System

Design and Implementation of a Virtual E-Learning System

Table of Contents


The demand to acquire knowledge or to learn has risen, thus, the present technology had gone a long way to provide means to learn, irrespective of the distance or the location of the E-learner and source of information.

This is achieved through electronic sharing of information and . However, virtual classroom and text-based e-learning is a system design to help a student gain access and acquire knowledge in any university of their choice.

This method of learning will enhance face–to–face instruction on campus, the use of computers in classrooms, and elicitation of information with the World Wide Web (WWW) enhanced distance education  (on or off campus). Individual and group learning with both print and computer-based materials.









1.1  Background of the study

  • Statement of the study
  • Purpose of the study
  • The objective of the study
  • Scope and limitation of the study
  • Definition of terms


2.1  Strategic importance of e-learning

  • Organizational culture- an important consideration
  • Training post
  • Training role
  • Competencies
  • Learning attitude towards using technology
  • On-line interaction and communication
  • Evolution of e-learning
  • Training effectiveness in e-learning
  • Learning environment
  • Global issues in e-learning
  • Learning and teaching styles
  • The role of instructors and students in collectives and individualistic culture
  • Differences in educational system Religious and political issues
  • Religious and political issues
  • Languages issues in global e-learning
  • Learning object
  • Text and graphic
  • Future delivery systems and technologies
  • XML (Extension mark-up language)
  • VRML (Virtual reality modeling language)


  • Description and analysis of the existing system

3.1  Facts finding methods used

  • Objectives of the existing system
  • Input process and output analysis
  • Information flowchart diagram Programs of the existing system
  • Problems of the existing system
  • Justification of the new system
  • Organizational structure
  • Design of the new system
  • Output/ input specification and design
  • File design
  • Procedure chart
  • System requirements


4.1  Program design

  • Program flowchart
  • Algorithm Source program
  • Test run


5.1  Recommendation



Virtual e-learning is a system designed to help students gain access and acquire knowledge in any university of their choice.

It can include: Enhance face–to–face instruction (on-campus, in-class use of computer and the World Wide Web (WWW), enhanced distance education (on or off campus) individuals and group learning with both print and computer-based materials instruction entirely online (individual and group learning).

This is because this mix of virtual classroom and text-based e-learning knowledge is moving towards every student being an e-learner at last for part of their study, whether through learning materials, e-mail for contacting teachers/ tutors, or any one of their myriad other e-learning applications.


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