Design and Implementation of an Online Clearing System for Graduating Students

Design and Implementation of an Online Clearing System for Graduating Students.

Table of Contents


The project highlights the importance of university institutions in having an online clearance system that will help students after completing school instead of spending a lot of costs in transport and having to look for lecturers and departments to be cleared they can do all that work from home, and design a system that accomplishes the tasks specific to the needs of their end-users.

Data transfer, data integration and system customization are discussed. One of the most significant shortcomings in accomplishing early clearance in schools is the delay that is encountered by most institutions which increase the cost of litigation in both time and expenses.

Hence the new system designed will aid the institution clearance records after finishing your final year in the institution and thereby facilitate a timely clearance for graduation.


Many institutions in Kenya, when a person is about to disengage from an institution, the person undergoes through a clearance process to determine the persons status, whether he/she will be permitted to disengage.

If the person is free to disengage, then he/she will be issued a clearance. Clearance is a certificate giving permission for something to be done.

In higher institution of learning, final year students that have satisfied the academic requirements to graduate must undergo a clearance process before they disengage from the university.

Background of the Research

The internet has changed the face of the world and make receiving and sending of information spread widely and easily, this can be done at the tips of peoples hand and without wasting any time.

Compared to when internet has not evolved, before information could be received from another end, it takes time depending on the distance of the journey.

The internet is a global collection of many types of computers and computer networks that are linked together, this is according to Adesanya. It is increasingly becoming the solution to many information, problems, information exchange and marketing.


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