Design and Implementation of Computerized Certificate Verification System

Design and Implementation of Computerized Certificate Verification System.


Over the years there have been a great need of easy and fasted means of verify result/certificate to reduce the level or certificate forgery and to ease the stress and also save the time of certificate verification which is done manually today.

An employer or anybody concern will have to come or send delegate to school to verify a particular certificate, some employer never did and this has resulted on accepting a forge certificate.

Verification is the process of establishing the truth, accuracy, or validity of something such as the verification of official documents. In this study the document in reference is the academic certificate.

In this prototype which we have created for this study, the user can request the certificates verification through the app. This prototype is created using Java for front-end user interface while the database is controlled my MySQL.

We developed a prototype which allows users to make request to get the academic certificates verification by filling the name of institution, course name, year of graduation and the verification code.


Globally, most of the institutions and organizations rely on use traditional paper verification methods to verify the documents presented to them. These organizations and institution do not have the capacity to verify the document presented to them instantly.

One of the problems we have in traditional paper based is that people and especially recruiters and employers find difficult in knowing the validity of documents such as academic certificates presented to them because there is no way they can authenticate those documents instantly.

In the current scenario most of the organization does not have the capacity to instantly authenticate the documents presented. Traditional identity information verification and validation processes were developed in a “paper” transaction world.

This Paper is centered on the need to adopt automatic online verification system that will save the huddles of manual verification method. This will enable anybody or an employer to verify an institution certificate online, without having to come down to the school to do so.


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