Design and Implementation of Electronic Tutor for Teaching

Design and Implementation of Electronic Tutor for Teaching.


Computer aided learning is one of the most important learning. Electronic tutor has provided a wide context for a field which has already attracted a lot of attention.

In early 1990’s the constructivist theory of education and collaboration learning were introduced which emphasized on increasing the rate of understanding when learning.

Mathematics and English requires adequate teaching skills to enable knowledge to be impacted into the children so that; the children will have the skill to perform English and mathematics credibly as a chore subjects.

This project takes a look at the prospect of modeling a computer based interactive software that will help nursery school children to acquire the basic skill and improve the basic concept of English and mathematics.










1.0   Introduction, History/Background —1

1.1   Statement of the problem—–2

1.2   Objective of the problem-4

1.3   Scope of the study——-5

1.4   limitation of the study—5

1.5   Significant of the study——6

1.6   Definition of terms—–6

CHAPTER TWO Literature review

2.0   Introduction—–9

2.1   Integration of computers into the classroom—–10

2.2   Teachers computer training—-11

2.3   Computer for nursery children and primary children—–12

2.4   Computer and child’s training—–13

2.5   Children solving practical learning situation–14

2.6   Developmentally appropriate computer activities—15

2.7   Advantages/Benefits of computer use for childre–15

2.8   Learning Mathematics and it concept—-16

2.9   Learning English and its concepts—17


3.0   System Analysis and design—19

3.1   System investigation —–19

3.2   Sources of data——-20

3.3   method of data collection —20

3.4   Approaches to Electronic Tutor——-21

3.5   System Design—–22

3.6    System Flow Diagram (Use DFD symbols) –24


4.0   Programming and System Implementation—–25

4.1   Program design and implementation—–25

4.2   Justification of Language Used——-26

4.3   Program————27

Algorithm and flowchart

Source code and testing

4.4   System Requirement———–44

4.5   System Control——-44

Handover procedure

4.6   User manual——45


5.0   Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion

5.1   Summary———————————————————-46

5.2   Recommendation————————————————-46

5.3   Conclusion ——————————————————–47



An electronic tutor is a computer based graphics for teaching children in nursery schools between two (2) to six (6) years. The computer based graphic is an interaction program that help the children to provide a stimulated environment to learn because the teaching appears on the screen in audio and picture format.

Thousands of software developers have designed a lot of screen reading, voice software that help to assist the teaching and learning process.  Some of the software includes;

Realspeak: This can read the text on computer screen aloud, because many professors use websites to provide class update, the blind or visually impaired children can now use Realspeak to access these update.


Allyn & Bacon. Hohman, C(1998). Evaluating and selecting software for children. CHILD CARE INFORMATION EXCHANGE, 123, 60-62.
Cradelle-Elawar, M & Wetzel, K. (1995). Student and computers as partners in developing student’s problem- solving skills. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON COMPUTING IN EDUCATION, 27(4), 378-401 EJ 514  985.
Clement, D. H (1994). The uniqueness of the computer as a learning tool: Insight on research and practice. In J. L Wright & D. D. shade (Eds.), YOUNG CHILDREN: ACTIVE LEARNERS IN A TECHNOLOGICAL AGE. Washington, DC: NAEYC. ED308 242.
Denning R. & smith, P. J. (1997). Cooperative learning and technology. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER IN MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE TEACHING, 16(2/3), 177-200. EJ567 943. Epstein, A. S (1993). TRAINING FOR QUALITY.
Epstein A. S (1993). TRAINING FOR QUALITY.

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