Design and Implementation of Online Entrance Examination

Design and Implementation of Online Entrance Examination

Table of Contents


Computers are known for their wide range of uses, especially in scientific and mathematical fields. However little or no thought has been given to designing a complete and thorough intelligence entrance examination on a computer system in our immediate environment.

This entrance examination system is designed to assist university administration examination in attaining a standardized sample, and as such the psychological implication of such a design is very important. The design of the system is quite simple and easily understood.

Its flexibility makes it amenable for future changes and amendment to either incorporate other aspects of intelligence or to be designed for any other school age or class.

The question of the online entrance examination system are programmed and visually displayed on the system‘s screen in an interactive form.


Title page – – – – – – – – i
Certification – – – – – – – – ii
Approval page – – – – – – – – iii
Dedication – – – – – – – – iv
Acknowledgement – – – – – – – v
Abstract – – – – – – – – – vi


Introduction – – – – – – – – 1
Background Of The Study – – – – – -2
Objective of The Study – – – – – – -5
Justification for the System – – – – – -6
Statement of Problem – – – – – – -7
Scope Of The Study – – – – – – – -8
Significance Of Study – – – – – – -9


Literature Review – – – – – – – 11
Computer Versus Paper – – – – – – 27
Technical difficulties Include — – – – – 30
Other General Comments Included The Following – -30
Other Related Works – – – – – – -31
Computer Assisted Learning – – – – – -31
A Brief Historic Review – – – – – – -32
Approaches To e-learning Services – – – – -34
Computer Based Learning – – – – – -35
Computer – Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) -37
Technology – Enhanced Learning (TEL) – – – -38
Computer Aided Learning Versus Traditional Education -40
Faculty and Student Feedback – – – – – -42


Methodology and Analysis Of The Present System – 48
The Research Methodology – – – – – 48
Software Process Model – – – – – – 49
Method Of Data Collection – – – – – 50
Online Entrance Examination use-case
Model Main Diagram– – – – — – – 51
User Requirement Definition – – – – – 64
The Products And Process Features – – – 65
System Requirement Specification – – – – 66
The features That Are Available
To be Administrator Are: – – – – – – 67
The features That Are Available To The Examiner Are: 68
Non-Functional System requirement – – – 68
Safety Requirements- – – – – – — 68
Security Requirements – – – – – – 69
Software Quality Attributes – – – – – 69
System Interfaces – – – – – – – 69
User Interface – – – – – – – – 70
Hardware Interfaces – – – – – – – -70
Software Interfaces – – – – – – – -70
Communications Interfaces – – – – – – -70
System Models – – – – – – – – -71
System Evolution- – – – – – – – -71
Context Diagram – – – – – – – – -72
Interaction Model – – – – – – – -73


System Design, Testing, And Implementation – 80
System Design – – – – – – – – 80
Implementation – – – – – – 80


Summary Conclusion And Recommendation – – 92
Summary – – – – – – – – – 92
Conclusion- – – – – – – – – 92
Recommendation – – – – – – – – 93
Reference – – – – – – – – 94


An entrance examination is an examination that many educational institutions use to select students for admission. These exams may be administered at any level of education, from primary to higher education, although they are more common at higher levels.

Online entrance examination systems are very convenient and fast. Online entrance examination system has three purposes.

  • To allow entrance examination takers at different places to take the examination at the same time through the online entrance examination website.
  • Through careful planning and proper coding, enable entrance examination, result checking and admission status on the websites.
  • To integrate database with the program allowing administrator easily addition of question and creation of entrance examination.


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