Design and Implementation of Student Verification System

Design and Implementation of Student Verification System.

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Forgery has long crept into our educational system and, counterfeit and forged certificate and document have upper hand in various certificate and degrees awarding institution. Invalid studentship has become greater than valid studentship.

The need for student verification system has become necessary to check mate and expunge invalid studentship, invalid document and invalid certificate yielding to authenticity of certificate and documents. This research work DESIGNED AND IMPLEMENTED STUDENT VERIFCATION SYSTEM.

The proposed model is concerned with monitoring the studentship of students, keeping students basic academic record, tracking students if there is malpractice of any kind and, verifying every certificate of Delta State University in the future.


A system, with numerous definitions, can be literally seen in a computer way as a collection of the hardware and software components of a computer.

According to Stella C. Chiemeke and Franca A. Egbokdara (2006), a system is a set of components that interact to achieve a common goal. In another sense, a system is a group of interrelated or intersecting elements forming a unified whole.

A verification system as in this project is an application program used to verify that someone or something rightly and legally belongs to a collection, an organization or an individual. There are different verification system, notably address verification system, adult verification system and card verification system to mention but a few.


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