Design and Implementation of Weather Forecasting Package for Aviation Industry

Design and Implementation of Weather Forecasting Package for Aviation Industry.

Table of Contents


Design and implementation of weather foresting package for aviation industry is discussed in this research work using Sam Mbakwe Airport, Owerri – Imo State as a case study. With its objectives research work as follows: To help aviation meteorologists issue accurate weather forecast.

To enable aviation industry to make decision on control based on information given etc. This research work reviews the background and general idea of weather forecasting which motivated me to go into the research work and problem faced by aviation industry.

Inaccuracy issue of weather forecast the use of manual methods in weather forecast and also in storing or keeping records and its analysis. Some of the methods used in forecasting are as follows: Persistence method, synoptic forecasting, statistical method, synoptic forecasting, statistical method, all narrowing or suggesting better ways of weather forecasting.


Title Page i

Declaration Page      ii

Certification Page   iii

Approval Page   iv

Dedication         v

Acknowledgement   vi

Abstract   vii

Table of Contents      vi


1.0    Introduction  1

1.1    Background of the Study    1

1.2    Objectives of the Study    4

1.3    Statement of the Problem   5

1.4    Scope of the Study      5

1.5    Significant of the Study    6

1.6    Limitations of the Study   7

1.7    Definition of Terms        7


2.0    Literature Review        9

2.1    History of Aviation     9

2.2    Definitions of Weather Forecasting  12

2.2.1 Method of Weather Forecasting   13

2.3    Meteorological Data       17

2.3.1 Coverage, Scope, Users and Uses of Metrological Statistics  19

Sources and Methods of Compiling Metrological Statistics  22

2.4    Current Methods of Data Storage Dissemination              24

2.5    Weather Elements      24

2.5.1 Impacts of Weather Elements on Aviation Operation      27

2.6    Meteorological Elements that aid Weather Forecasting   31

2.7    Importance of the Package     32


3.0    System Analysis       33

3.1    System Methodology      33


System Design and Implementation

4.0    System Design         45

4.1    System Goals     46

4.2    Choice of Programming Language    47

4.3    Program Design         47


5.0    Implementation Method   49

CHAPTER SIX Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation     

6.0    Summary         51

6.1    Conclusion     51

6.2    Recommendations    52

References           53


Every day, millions of weather – based economic decisions are made in transportation, agriculture, power, construction, and other sectors of the economy. Weather conditions affect the entire economy in many ways both directly and indirectly, Better weather forests bring economic opportunities to almost every sector of the economy.

Weather forecasts re critical to the commercial and private transportation sector, including airline, shipping and trucking industries, nationally and internationally. Airlines, for example rely on short term forecasts to best position their aircraft and adjust flight routes.


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